Home > NewsRelease > NY Governor announced the creation of a multi-agency task force to crack down on social distancing violations at restaurants and bars
NY Governor announced the creation of a multi-agency task force to crack down on social distancing violations at restaurants and bars
Tracy P. Jong --  Tracy Jong Law Firm Tracy P. Jong -- Tracy Jong Law Firm
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Rochester, NY
Tuesday, July 28, 2020


The Governor announced the creation of a multi-agency task force to crack down on social distancing violations at restaurants and bars across the state. New York State Police and State Liquor Authority will lead the effort, which will employ real time data to enhance enforcement efforts by rapidly deploying investigators to respond to dangerous social distancing violations as they happen. The Task Force will include investigators from the Department of Health, Department of Financial Services, Department of Motor Vehicles, Department of Taxation and Finance, the New York State Insurance Fund and the Department of Agriculture and Markets.

Courtesy of the New York Restaurant Association

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Name: Tracy Jong
Title: attorney
Group: Tracy Jong Law Firm
Dateline: Rochester, NY United States
Direct Phone: 585-247-9170
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