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Nashville Author Asks Should NashvilleKitty, a Sociopath, Run For Mayor?
Nicole Kelly MD -- 69shadesofnashville.com Nicole Kelly MD -- 69shadesofnashville.com
Nashville, TN
Saturday, March 24, 2018

“Sociopaths are running our country and our institutions yet most of us do not even know they exist,” says Nicole Kelly, M.D.
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Nashville Mayor Megan Barry shocked the nation as one of the first female politicians to resign for sexual misconduct and misappropriation of funds. Every day a new scandal involving people in positions of power abusing the trust granted them by the public is exposed. What is going on?

"Sociopaths are running our country, our companies, and our churches, yet most of us do not even know they exist," says Nicole Kelly, M.D. an established Nashville physician and author of a new book, 69 Shades of Nashville: Sociopathic Sex Southern Style.  The book is narrated by 'NashvilleKitty' a sociopath.

Kelly says NashvilleKitty is NOT running for mayor of Nashville... but she could be. "Sociopaths are everywhere - hiding in plain sight."

It is estimated as many as 1 in 25 people fall on the sociopathic spectrum, yet most people are completely unaware of their existence. "We have allowed them to charm and lie their way into positions of power that they use for their personal gain to the detriment of everyone else. Sociopaths are dangerous to our society, but to stop them, we first must recognize them," says Kelly. 

Dr. Nicole Kelly was duped by a sociopath who embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars from her medical practice.  "What started as a nightmare resulted in the perfect character study for the ultimate anti-hero," says Kelly.

"The character NashvilleKitty is someone everyone is going to love to hate," says Kelly. "My goal is to educate the public about the sociopath in an entertaining format, and in order to spread the word, my entire novel is free for a limited time at my website: 69ShadesofNashville.com Get inside the mind of a sociopath - if we understand how they think, we can beat them at their own game."

"I studied sociopaths and psychopaths (officially called Anti-Social Personality Disorder) in medical school," says Kelly of the psychology in the book. "But I didn't truly understand it until someone I regarded as a trusted friend turned out to be a sociopathic sex addict. If I can be fooled, anyone can. Sociopaths prey on our emotions to manipulate us for their own gain, yet most of us are unaware they are among us." Nicole Kelly, M.D. has put two years of research into writing a book that teaches as well as entertains.

The book is being praised by many top reviewers who have this to say:

"This is a very smart and sexually explicit novel that is surprising, suspenseful and intelligent. I can honesty say that I have never read anything quite like this book." Amos Lassen, Goodreads, 5 Stars

"Just when we are sure we've seen it all, along comes an author with courage who places into words those thoughts that at one time were off limits. The result? One of the more sensual, contemporary, insightful, hilarious and erotic books that tells it all – and has a ready audience (if closeted a bit) to take advantage of a new era." Grady Harp, Amazon Hall of Fame Top 100 Reviewer

"I have to admit that it certainly is an original work of fiction containing dozens of scenes that are so wickedly delicious that I even ended up forgiving Kelly for some of her coarse x-rating excesses." Norm Goldman, Book Pleasures

"Unlike other sex/suspense novels, Nicole Kelly's book is a ray of sunshine into a genre clouded with a glut of embarrassingly poorly written prose. "69 Shades of Nashville" is a bold and audacious debut by a writer who seems to have no lack of insight or talent." John J. Kelly, Cincinnati City Beat

69 Shades of Nashville: Sociopathic Sex Southern Style (ISBN 978-0-9991861-6-9, 2017  JACC, LLC, 404 pages, softcover, $16.69 and $6.69 on Kindle, free audio book on Audible on Amazon.

The book is available in a free download for a limited time at: 69ShadesofNashville.com

View the book trailer here: bit.ly/69ShadesTrailer

About Nicole Kelly, M.D. Nicole Kelly, M.D. is the nom de plume of an established Nashville physician who had firsthand experience dealing with the manipulations of a sociopath who stole a vast sum of money from her medical practice. NashvilleKitty, the anti-hero narrator of 69 Shades of Nashville: Sociopathic Sex Southern Style was inspired by a true sociopathic sex addict who knows no bounds in causing havoc in neurotypicals' lives. The names, details, locations, and all identifying information have been changed resulting in a fictional work--but this fiction was inspired by reality.


Media Contact: For a review copy of 69 Shades of Nashville: Sociopathic Sex Southern Style or to arrange an interview with Nicole Kelly, M.D. email  nashvillekitty@69shadesofnashville.com

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Name: Nicole Kelly
Title: nashvillekitty@69shadesofnashville.com
Dateline: Nashville, TN United States
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