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National Disability Employment Awareness
Rose Lee Archer  M.S. Rose Lee Archer M.S.
Boca Raton, FL
Monday, October 1, 2012

Congressman Allen West advocates for employment of persons with disabilites at event hosted by TV personality Rose Lee Archer
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Award Winning TV Producer/Host, Rose Lee Archer teams up with the Archer Disability Foundation during October's National Disability Employment Awareness Month. 2012 theme "A Strong Workforce is an Inclusive Workforce: What Can YOU Do?"

Rose Lee asks her viewers and Florida businesses to join the movement to advance a diverse workforce by hiring workers with disabilities. Did you know this highly skilled talent pool faces many challenges to gain employment ...Just because they have a disability?

Florida Disability Statics reveal:

3.9% of individuals receiving disability benefits are working

75% of individuals with developmental disabilities want jobs, those working earn average of $162.50 weekly,

        poverty level.

The Archer Disability Foundation continues to grow its efforts as a Florida mentoring leader expanding its 2012 Disability Mentoring Month program from October to December in Broward, Palm Beach, Martin, St. Lucie and Indian River Counties.

The Rose Lee Archer Show teams up with Archer Disability Foundation to celebrate career development through inclusion in the workplace throughout the nation. The Spirit of the ADA, the Americans with Disabilities Act, began the leap towards the promise of equal opportunity for all, including in employment.  Today, we have made some strides though we face the dooming subminimum wage for workers with disabilities and for those who are working they face 

no advancement status.  It makes business sense to take a proactive approach to hire qualified workers, who have worked or are working in sub-minimum wage jobs.

Advancing opportunities for competitive employment may only need an inexpensive reasonable accommodation and job training to increase workers competitive edge and maintain and exceed performance standards. By offering employees with disabilities the chance to earn well above minimum wage, in an integrated setting, we have to change the philosophy of American businesses systemically.

Rose Lee Archer says "All qualified employees, including those with disabilities, should receive equal pay for equal work as do their colleagues without disabilities." Rose Lee was a teen mom of a son with Autism and know first hand the issues facing loved ones with disabilities in the workplace.  She continues to advocate for the disability community to achieve their potential to live independently.

Rose Lee encourages businesses to learn the: Five Reasons to Hire People with Disabilities:

Corporate and Government: Inclusion in the workplace

1. 3rd largest market segment

2. Respond to market demands

3. $3 trillion dollar market

4. 87% of Americans patronize businesses employing people with disabilities

5. Variety of Tax Credits

Fact is People with Disabilities are the largest minority in the nation: http://www.disabilitystatistics.org

• Employment rate of workers with disabilities in U.S.  36 % vs. 77% people without disabilities.

• Median annual income of household's workers with disabilities (ages 21-64) is $37,200. compared to $60,000 for households without people with disabilities.

• 26 % Poverty rate of working age people with disabilities

11% for those without disabilities

• 19 % of working age people with disabilities receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

Learn more on how Rose Lee can educate your viewers or listeners during Octobers Disability Employment Awareness Month to help business owners grow their bottom line by hiring America's most underutilized labor pool.

Call Rose Lee today to book a powerful Keynote address that will move your audience and forever change the paradigm of persons with disabilities… and the dedicated families who push through all obstacles in life. www.roseleearchershow.com  call 561-241-7987

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Name: Rose Lee Archer
Title: TV Producer & Host
Group: Rose Lee Productions
Direct Phone: 561-241-7987
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