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National Tie One On Day a New Thanksgiving Tradition
EllynAnne Geisel -- Apron Expert EllynAnne Geisel -- Apron Expert
Pueblo, CO
Tuesday, November 3, 2009



Contact: Beth Richman



National Tie One On DayTM Offers Chance to Give Back

Public Encouraged to Share Baked Goods and Note of Encouragement with Those

in Need of Physical or Spiritual Sustenance

PUEBLO, Colo. -- On November 25, 2009 people throughout the country will be putting the "give" back in Thanksgiving by participating in the 4th Annual National Tie One On DayTM. EllynAnne Geisel, author of The Apron Book: Making, Wearing, and Sharing a Bit of Cloth and Comfort; Apronisms: Pocket Wisdom for Every Day; and The Kitchen Linens Book: Using, Sharing and Cherishing the Fabrics of Our Daily Lives, and creator of National Tie One On Day, encourages the public to participate in this thoughtful and unique Thanksgiving tradition. Geisel suggests people wrap a loaf of bread or other baked good in an apron, along with a note of encouragement tucked in the pocket; then "tie one on" (an apron, of course!) and deliver the wrapped bundle to someone in need of physical or spiritual sustenance.

"This tradition was created after I began to notice that Thanksgiving was talked about in terms more commonly associated with stress than with joy," explained Geisel. "The day should be about giving thanks and expressing gratitude, so I created an opportunity to easily share one's own good fortune with someone in need of a kind gesture."

Thanksgiving is a holiday known for recollection, making new traditions and sharing. The apron symbolizes these concepts. Through National Tie One On Day, people not only make a difference in someone's life, but also honor the humble apron and the spirit of women who donned the universal symbol of home, family and mothering.

According to Geisel, "Women clad in aprons have traditionally prepared the Thanksgiving meal, and it is within our historical linkage to share our bounty."

Geisel receives letters from women throughout the United States who have participated in Tie One On Day. She notes that participating is simple and is a win-win for everyone involved.

"I especially liked the idea of sharing on the day before Thanksgiving, and since I work, I baked quick breads, which I wrapped in tea towels because I couldn't find any clean aprons," explained Amy Bissell. "I delivered the first loaf to a friend and his visiting father. When I told him how thankful I was for his friendship, he said I had made a very long day much nicer. Leaving his home, I felt like I was walking on air."

Geisel recommends sharing any baked goods – whether homemade or store bought - as part of Tie One On Day. A few of her favorite recipes and additional information about National Tie One On Day can be found on her web site, www.apronmemories.com.

Recognized by Chases Calendar of Events, National Tie One On Day™ is sponsored by Mom Bloggers Club, American Sewing Guild, The Women's Museum, McCall's Pattern Company, Stampington & Company, Aunt Martha's Colonial Patterns, Inc., Simplicity Pattern Company, National Association of Baby Boomer Women, Creative Machine Embroidery, SewNews, Apron-iCity and The Fabric Shop Network.


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Name: EllynAnne Geisel
Group: Apron Memories
Dateline: Pueblo, CO United States
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