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New Administration Points to Renewed Interest in American Artisan Foods
Laura McManus - Gourmet Food and Mail Order Consultant Laura McManus - Gourmet Food and Mail Order Consultant
Baltimore, MD
Friday, January 23, 2009

New Administration Points to Increased Interest in American Mail Order Foods

If the Obamas are the trend setters we believe them to be, the coming year will see more interest in eating out, ordering in, and truly American mail order foods.

Searching out America's best foods is nothing new to Laura McManus, who bought Mackenzie Limited 13 years ago when it was a small flier for those who craved British foods. But in her inimitable style, and with her exquisite taste, McManus has evolved the printed catalog as well as the online store, Mackenzieltd.com, to a veritable treasure trove of artisan foods made in the USA.

"Everyone loves caramel, and who doesn't love 7 layer cakes?" says McManus, "So when I found an artisan baker who could make this American classic, I quickly ordered them for the catalog"

The trend-setting president of Mackenzie Limited, Laura McManus continues, " From our low country special, Shrimp and Grits, to our popular Memories of Maine Gift Basket, we stand ready to provide the very best of Americn gourmet foods"

McManus goes on to say that the food products freeze beautifully and she is proud of the fact that by putting them in her catalog, she has helped stabilize these valuable small businesses that make America grear.

Ms.MacManus is available for interview.

Call Linda Eckhardt, publiciist

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Laura McManus
Title: President
Group: Mackenzie Limited
Dateline: Owings Mills, MD United States
Direct Phone: 410-804-4179
Main Phone: (410) 321-1470
Cell Phone: 410-804-4179
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