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New Application of 80/20 Rule Sharpens Self-Employment Business Focus
Anthony Signorelli -- Consultant in Sales Force Effectiveness Anthony Signorelli -- Consultant in Sales Force Effectiveness
Sitllwater, MN
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Anthony Signorelli
For immediate release:

Contact: Anthony Signorelli

888-828-3666 ext. 1


New Application of 80/20 Rule Sharpens Self-Employment Business Focus

STILLWATER, MN-May 17, 2011

Discerning which activities are most productive and most profitable are key for any business. Focusing on the details of these activities, and whether they truly do support productivity and profitability, can significantly impact success. This can be especially important for the self-employed business owner. Applying the well-known 80/20 rule to this equation can help further discern the merit of these activities and thus, help professionals sharpen their business focus. Anthony Signorelli, Twin Cities area self-employment consultant and sales-force effectiveness expert, explains how in his latest blog post on www.newrulesofselfemployment.com.

"More time with the 20% of your activities that creates all the profit, and less time with the 20% that creates most of the problems, is a winning business strategy," says Signorelli. "But the challenge is to discern the differences in the activities involved in broad categories like networking, social media use, and administrative tasks to really determine what's working and what's not." Signorelli dives into networking as an example. "To truly sharpen your business focus, you must discern which 20% of your networking activities is important to 80% of your business. Likewise, which 20% of your networking activities wastes 80% of your time?"

Using the 80/20 rule in this way helps professionals prioritize their business focus, streamline income-producing activities, and reduce or eliminate non-income-producing activities. In turn, professionals can increase sales, profits, and work-life balance. "This is the essence of the new rules of self-employment," says Signorelli.

Signorelli is the founder of the New Rules of Self Employment. He is also an entrepreneur, a consultant in sales force effectiveness and process design for major corporations, and the author of several books and articles on these subjects. Information on the New Rules of Self Employment is available on his website: www.newrulesofselfemployment.com.


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Name: Anthony Signorelli
Title: Principal Consultant
Dateline: Sitllwater, MN United States
Direct Phone: 651-340-2196
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