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New Article on Don’t Let the Recovery and Refund Scammers Scam You
Gini Graham Scott, Ph.D., J.D. -- Author of 250+ Books Gini Graham Scott, Ph.D., J.D. -- Author of 250+ Books
San Ramon, CA
Monday, January 8, 2024

Scammer Promoting a Recovery and Refund Scam

          Here's a new article by Gini Graham Scott, an author of five books and two films on scams, on how to avoid being scammed by a recovery and refund scammer. They seek out scam victims who had already lost money or a social media account with the false hope that they can help them get back their money or account. 

            As she describes, not only won't victims get back what they lost, but the scammers will extract even more money from them by posting as "experts" or "saviors" who can recover lost money or hacked accounts, but then they get money or personal information, so victims are scammed again.  You can read the whole article on Medium at https://ginigrahamscott.medium.com/dont-let-the-recovery-and-refund-scammers-scam-you-42652e9beb16

         Gini's books on scams The Big Con about a book-to-film scam, which was turned into the recently released documentary Conned: A True Story, featuring a half-dozen victims. Another book is I Was Scammed, about different scams and how to avoid them, which was turned into the film Con Artists Unveiled, featuring victims and scammers.  Additionally, after a scammer tried to scam her by posing as a PayPal rep, she foiled his efforts to take over her bank and getting her to buy $9000 in gift cards by going to her bank, which closed her accounts.  You can read about her wild and crazy experience with the scammer in Scam Story. All three books are published by American Leadership Books (www.americanleadershipbooks.com).

         Plus you can join the new Facebook group she started – Cons, Scams, and Frauds -- after her Facebook account and original was stolen in an email replacement scam, the topic of her latest book on scams The Great Big Facebook Hack, also from American Leadership Books.

          Contact Information: For inquiries or to schedule an interview or speaking engagement with Gini Graham Scott, please contact:

Karen Andrews

Executive Assistant to Gini Graham Scott

Changemakers Publishing, Writing, and Production

San Ramon, California

(925) 804-6333





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Name: Gini Graham Scott, Ph.D., J.D.
Title: Director
Group: Changemakers Publishing and Writing
Dateline: San Ramon, CA United States
Direct Phone: (925) 804-6333
Cell Phone: 510-919-4030
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