A California futurist has a new book coming out in October called
The Great Growing Up in which he sees many of the world's crises as connected to adolescent indulgences. John Renesch, a businessman-turned futurist who has published thirteen previous books, mostly on organizational and societal transformation, envisions a rather rosy future for humanity if we can begin thinking and behaving as adults and cease our "acting out" as the equivalent of pesky teenagers.
In his new book, Renesch paints a vision for a possible future that would be seen as quite desirable by anyone but the religious fanatics who are longing for the world to end. He also points out the ways we continue to indulge our adolescence, refusing to act with the maturity calling for us to relate better to each other and our planet. He also lists a number of things we can do to "consciously evolve" at what he calls this critical time in history.
The book is now available for pre-sale on Amazon.com (see
http://www.amazon.com/Great-Growing-Up-Responsible-Humanitys/dp/1935387189/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1316622760&sr=1-1 )
The book has attracted advance praise from a number of notable previewers, including people as diverse as
Fast Company magazine founder Alan Webber who writes in part, "Don't just read this book--do it!" and New Age elder Barbara Marx Hubbard who says, "…vital and wise guidelines to the unprecedented emergence of ourselves…"