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New Book 'Rekindling the American Dream' Published
Lee Pound -- Writing and Publishing Expert Lee Pound -- Writing and Publishing Expert
Newport Beach, CA
Tuesday, November 1, 2011


For immediate release

Publisher contact: Lee Pound, 949-340-0119

Author contact: Mark Fierle 714-549-1183, mfassoci@aol.com

Newport Beach, CA—Solutions Press has announced publication of its latest book, Rekindling the American Dream, according to publisher Lee Pound. The book, by Executive Recruiter consultant and Master Gardener Mark Fierle, now available online at Amazon.com and other e-book retailers, contains strategies, tactics and anecdotal stories to help the millions impacted by the latest recession restore their hope in The American Dream. It offers solutions and hope for those of all ages and stations in life including the mature generation that lost their dream jobs, homes, nice cars, and retirement portfolios, the younger generation and recent grads who have searched and found no jobs, and the unemployed and under-employed.

Rekindling the American Dream is an inspiration to all. Whether you have lost your job, are in transition, or a recent college graduate, the knowledge and inspiration Mark provides is invaluable. Bart Zandbergen, Wealth Advisor, CFP and 2009- 2011 Five Star Wealth Advisor, says, "Thank you, Mark, for your knowledge, experience, and for caring enough about the American Dream to write this book."

Fierle says, "After we've had a setback and hard times it can be very discouraging to see everything you've worked for go down in flames. The question becomes how smart do we have to be to get back on track? To some it's all about brains and how smart we have to be. My thoughts are that while being smart is important, attitude and motivation are primary. Think about it! Studies have shown there are a whole lot of smart derelicts. Having all three, brains, attitude and motivation, is priceless.

"Following our dreams is something that we often put off when we are young and trying to find our way. As our lives and careers proceed, we can become tied to making a living. Changing professions becomes a risk that is just a dream not a goal. However, when a setback comes along, it is time to consider 'following that dream we always wanted to follow through on.' A good example is the story of Rob Pedrogon who after his business had a setback followed his dream and at the age of 44 became a Los Angeles Police officer. His story, First Night Out, can inspire you. I know it did me."

Fierle's experience as an Executive Recruiter, business owner, free-lance writer on career issues for a division of the Wall Street Journal, and CEO of a large company provide insight and life experiences that can help restore hope for those that have seen the prospect of achieving the American Dream slip away. He is a certified Master Gardener and lives in Orange County, California.

Mel Bartholomew, engineer, inventor, and author of Square Foot Gardening, the largest selling gardening book ever!, says, "My friend Mark tells you what you need to know. Read this and watch your spirits rise during these turbulent times."

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