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New Crisis Management Book, Crisis Ready, Gets Title Change and New Publication Date
Edward Segal, Crisis Management Expert Edward Segal, Crisis Management Expert
Washington, DC
Tuesday, April 7, 2020

The cover of Edward Segal's new book on crisis management.

BOSTON:  Crisis Ready by 30-year public relations veteran Edward Segal will now be titled Crisis Ahead and include an introduction that focuses on the early crisis management lessons to be learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. The release of Crisis Ahead is being expedited with an e-book-led publication schedule that begins on April 21.

Due to a recent trademark on Crisis Ready—implemented after production of Segal's book—publisher Nicholas Brealey and Segal changed the book's title to Crisis Ahead: 101 Ways to Prepare for and Bounce Back from Disasters, Scandals, and Other Emergencies. The new title reflects Segal's expert guidance to all business professionals looking to get ahead of a crisis before it happens and bounce back from disasters after they strike.

Based on the premise that it is not a matter of IF a crisis will hit, it's a matter of WHEN, Segal details how companies can safeguard their brands and effectively communicate throughout a crisis. This timely title directly addresses the COVID-19 pandemic and how companies can navigate such a volatile and evolving business landscape.   

The book features a template for a generic crisis management and communication plan that can be customized for the needs of any company or organization. "If a business did not have a crisis management plan in place before the coronavirus pandemic, they certainly need one now," Segal said.

Crisis Ahead will be released first as an e-book April 21 in response to the current remote-working business climate due to COVID-19. Segal and Nicholas Brealey landed on this course of action in an effort to reach as many business professionals as possible and as soon as possible during these unprecedented times of isolation and adjusted working conditions.

In the past few days the book has been among the top ten books on two of Amazon's hot new book realese lists: public relations and business ethics books. Although the new title now shows up on the book's Amazon page, it may take a few days for the new cover to appear.

About the Author:

Edward Segal has more than 30 years' experience as a crisis management expert. He managed crisis situations as the CEO of two trade associations; advised and helped organizations survive disasters, scandals, and emergencies including the arrest and firing of corporate officers, hate crimes, and sexual harassment; and conducted crisis management and communication training for hundreds of executives and their staffs.

Segal is the former marketing strategies columnist for The Wall Street Journal's StartUpJournal.com and senior media relations consultant for Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide. He has provided expert PR advice and counsel to more than 500 corporations and organizations.

Crisis Ahead will be available in paperback June 16, 2020, through Amazon

and all fine retailers.  978-1-5293-6142-1    $24.95


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Title: Crisis Management Expert
Group: Edward Segal
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