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New Divorce Audio Coaching Program Helps Parents Minimize Effects of Divorce on their Children!
Rosalind Sedacca -- Divorce and Co-Parenting Expert Rosalind Sedacca -- Divorce and Co-Parenting Expert
Boynton Beach, FL
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Rosalind Sedacca's new 10-hour Mastering Child-Centered Divorce Audio Coaching Program with workbook provides dependable advice on successful co-parenting, single parenting and parallel parenting of children following divorce.

Safeguarding children's physical, emotional and psychological needs during and after divorce can be extremely complex and frustrating. That's why Divorce and Parenting Coach Rosalind Sedacca, founder of Child-Centered Divorce, a Support Network for Parents, created her new 10-hour Mastering Child-Centered Divorce Audio Coaching Program.

The comprehensive audio course helps mothers and fathers resolve the day-to-day challenges of being a divorced parent. They discover the warning signs of problems, behaviors to avoid, the path to peaceful resolution for co-parenting challenges, resources available to them, stress-reduction tips and proven parenting success strategies including:

• How to de-fuse conflict with your former spouse while maximizing positive communication

• How best to handle questions, depression, tension, arguments and other behaviors from your children

• What to expect from children of different age groups – from toddlers through teens

• How to stay centered and take care of your own needs during and after the post-divorce transition

• How best to take advantage of the expertise of attorneys, mediators, therapists and other professionals – while not being "taken" yourself

• How to handle weekly routines, schedules, activities and other responsibilities without losing your cool

• Coping skills for disciplining children, dating again and other complex challenges that come with parenting after divorce

Sedacca is recognized around the world as the Voice of Child-Centered Divorce. A Certified Corporate Trainer turned Divorce & Parenting Coach after her own divorce, she created the Child-Centered Divorce Network to help separating, divorcing and divorced parents find the information, expert advice and other resources they need to create the most positive outcome – especially for their children.

Sedacca is also the author of the internationally-acclaimed ebook, How Do I Tell the Kids about the Divorce? A Create-a-Storybook Guide to Preparing Your Children — with Love! It provides a unique and successful approach to telling children about divorce by creating a family storybook using her text and fill-in-the-blank age-appropriate templates.

"I've been where divorcing and divorced parents are today – and understand the challenges they're facing! I experienced the same insecurities, anger, guilt and sense of overwhelm," says Sedacca.

"My story worked out for well for my son, his father and me. I want to share what I learned, especially about mistakes parents must avoid as well as the emotional effects our decisions have on our children. We don't want to rob them of their innocence or their childhood."

A regular blogger for the Huffington Post and numerous other divorce and parenting websites and blogs, Sedacca says divorce doesn't have to emotionally wound our children. "It's not divorce itself that scars children," she says. "It's the conflict between selfish parents making decisions based on anger and resentment that does most of the damage."

Sedacca believes families can continue to be families even after divorce, which she refers to as another "chapter" in that family's life. She urges parents not to bad-mouth one another or fight around the children, to remind children the divorce is not their fault and to tell their children that Mom and Dad will always love them and always be their parents. These and other suggestions help parents avoid the most damaging pitfalls of divorce for children.

The 10-hour Mastering Child-Centered Divorce Audio Coaching Program includes:

• Rosalind Sedacca's 6-part Group Coaching Program, in audio MP3 format, helps parents feel supported, wiser and more capable of facing their own issues as they appear.

• Child-Centered Divorce Coaching Workbook, including thought-provoking assignments, probing questions, valuable resources and other content related to divorce and parenting issues.

• How to Avoid the Biggest Divorce Mistakes Parents Make, a Coaching audio about the impact of parental decisions on children's emotional and psychological needs.

• How to Talk to Your Children, a Coaching audio that reveal the secrets to effective communication with your children and your Ex for long-term success.

• A Parent's Guide to Dating Successfully After Divorce, a Coaching audio that explores the right time and best ways to approach dating when you're a divorced parent.

Valued at $297, Sedacca's audio coaching program is being offered during a special online launch promtion, for $97. In addition to the Workbook, parents get ten hours of audio MP3 files that provide insight, strategies and tools designed to make parenting smoother, happier and more successful in the months and years ahead. For details and to order go to:


About the Child-Centered Divorce Network

A support network for parents, Child-Centered Divorce provides articles, advice, a weekly newsletter, books, coaching services, a free ebook on Post-Divorce Parenting: Success Strategies for Getting It Right and other valuable resources on divorce and parenting issues. Learn more at www.childcentereddivorce.com.
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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Rosalind Sedacca
Title: Director
Group: ChildCentered Divorce Network
Dateline: Boynton Beach, FL United States
Direct Phone: 561-742-3537
Main Phone: 5613854205
Cell Phone: 561 385-4205
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