August 9, 2022 Milwaukee, Wisconsin—A new epic fantasy series begins with Louis Sauvain's debut novel, Thaddeus of Beewicke – Book 1. The sword and sorcery adventure became an instant international bestseller on Amazon in five countries with over 2000 downloads of the eBook in a single weekend.
With a blend of magic, friendship and blossoming romance, author Louis Sauvain delivers an heoric drop-in to drop-out epic fantasy journey that will delight young adult readers and beyond.
Sauvain was born and bred in the Midwest, and now calls Wisconsin home. "Using my background in health care, I have always been interested in how people employ fantasy to escape their current circumstances; and sometimes, their pain," reveals Sauvain. "Before turning to writing full-time, I knew that such a distraction could help create an ability to tolerate what might be momentarily unbearable."
The story begins when Silvestrus, a Master of Sorcery, seeks to recruit the young apprentice, Thaddeus. The boy's quest of self-discovery leads to the realization that he is destined to become a Master himself. Yet this destiny leads him to face a fallen Master of unspeakable evil. An evil that strives for the destruction of the Gods, seeks to overcome and consume all of mankind, and serves only the purposes of the Daemons of Hell, itself.
Sauvain continues, "Most of my ideas come in the shower when I ask my characters, 'Okay, where are you going to take me today?'"
Sauvain is available for interviews, events, and book clubs. Contact him at or (414) 248-0427 or visit