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New Instant Worksheets
Kay Savetz -- Free Printables Kay Savetz -- Free Printables
Portland, OR
Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Winter term is in full swing, and InstantWorksheets.net now has 50 new printable worksheets for all age ranges that cover government, history and geography.


"Elementary and middle school students will find these especially useful," said Kevin Savetz, the site's creator. "They can help create a broader scope of knowledge, while still being visually interesting."


The geography lessons in the new flag worksheets work by helping students identify and group the countries that make up different continents and subcontinents. The line art drawings allow children to color in the flags that comprise South American, South African, European, Asian and Oceanic countries. These can also be useful as art or culture activities.


For civics students who are starting to learn about politics and government, there are new U.S. Presidents worksheets. These test students' knowledge about the order of the presidents, historical facts, and visual cues. These are particularly useful for broader history lessons concerning the United States.


InstantWorksheets.net has hundreds of printable worksheets that are completely free to download, print and use in a classroom or at home. However, subscribers who pay $4 a month for the optional membership receive access to members-only content, including navigation of the site without advertisements and unlimited use of the Customer Math Worksheet Generator. The generator produces random or patterned problems covering addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.


InstantWorksheets.net is the sister site of PrintableFlashCards.net, a user-based site that offers hundreds of flash cards on subjects ranging from language to science to math. It is a complementary site to TeachersPrintables.net, which offers 586 classroom forms for educators everywhere.


There are more than 90 sites in the FreePrintable.net family of free printables sites created by Savetz Publishing, Inc., a company devoted to creating useful and informative web sites of interest to consumers and small businesses. 


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Name: Kay Savetz
Dateline: Portland, OR United States
Cell Phone: (707) 400-6360
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