Tuesday, July 16, 2024
New Journalist Question System Shows the Answers.
www.InterviewClick.com shows the answers experts make to journalist questions.
"We've set up a 'Party-Line' so experts and journalists can create conversations" says, Mitchell Davis, creator. PR Week called it: "a dating service of PR."
This new journalist question system from ExpertClick.com and the Yearbook of Experts – the 42nd Yearbook was just published – download the PDF free at www.ExpertBook.com or buy at Amazon:
The New York Times called the Yearbook: "Dial-an-Expert." The Associated Press dubbed it: "an Encyclopedia of Sources."
Journalists can create a profile and ask questions free – they join at: https://www.expertclick.com/Journalist/Registerjournalist.aspx
Experts can join and answer questions free – they join at: http://www.ExpertClick.com/free
Experts can also upgrade to send news releases, be listed at www.ExpertClick.com and appear in the printed & PDF Yearbooks. See all the paid benefits at www.ExpertClick.com/join
Here's are some examples of conversations – the question & answer sessions – from InterviewClick you can join in:
#1 Question: How is AI used in a PR and publicity campaign? I'm curious about how PR practitioners or publicists are using artificial intelligence in PR and publicity campaigns. Can you provide examples of how you've used it successfully? And a few examples of ways you would never use it? And if not, why not? Do you have guidelines for your own staff? Answer: AI is being used in several different ways for PR. It starts by doing an analysis and doing a "sentiment analysis" to determine where the feelings are and what people are saying.... See the full answer and join the conversation at: https://www.expertclick.com/Expert/PublicQuestionDetail.aspx?ID=8966&IsCheck=1 |
#2 Question: Best membership signup and retention ideas
What are the latest ideas for attracting membership, retention, and participation in an organization?
Are fax machines totally obsolete to the point of ignoring them? What's replaced them?
Have business cards been replaced with QR or something else?
What ideas have proven successful for you?
This is for a retention book, so your ideas can be mentioned if you wish.
Answer: Start a YouTube channel where you showcase your expertise in short, humorous videos. As a speaker, use your oratory skills to captivate; as a consultant, share quick tips; coaches can offer motivational snippets, and trainers can demo mini-lessons. This cross-pollination of skills boosts your brand and makes you the go-to "Yoda" of your field. ...
See the full answer and join the conversation at:
#3 Question: How to get more business contacts/customers to expand a business? 1. Can you give us a little bit of background about how you got involved in your business, niche it is in and what led you to become such an expert? 2. What's the best way to build business contacts & customers? 3. Will your methods or advice work in any area and for anyone? 4. Can you provide some real-life examples of other people who have followed your advice? 5. If you had one secret to give about how to gain more business contacts or customers, what would it be? 6.What are some of the common problems that people experience in building up business contacts or a customer base? 7.What sort of things can someone do to stay on top? 8. Where can people find more information about building more contacts in business? 9. How can people contact you?
Answer: As The Queen of the Business Lunch, I've discovered that breaking bread with clients is the very best way to build a solid, productive relationship that will last a lifetime. If you play golf, that's even better! But, not everyone plays. Eating is the most common denominator; we all do it. Take a prospect or a client to lunch. ...
See the full answer and join the conversation at:
See more than 2,000 questions to answer at www.InterviewClick.com
Designed with SEO in mind, experts get an optimized press room that show their photos, bio, topics, and hosts all the questions they've answered. Here's a sample of my press room –