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New Money Milestones Help Parents Talk to Kids More Easily
DollarSmartKids Enterprises Inc.- Financial Products for Youth DollarSmartKids Enterprises Inc.- Financial Products for Youth
Toronto, ON
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Nancy Phillips, Founder DollarSmartKids Enterprises
Parents right now are wondering how to teach their children the financial skills they will need to not only survive, but succeed in today's rapidly changing society. This is exactly why Nancy Phillips, mother of two young children and founder of DollarSmartKids Enterprises, has created a framework for parents to teach their kids the most essential financial building blocks or "milestones." The milestones were developed for parents with children between the ages of two and eighteen.

"Learning good financial habits early on can transform a child's future," Phillips says. "Financial decision making skills are used every day and impact every part of a person's life from health to relationships to careers and opportunities. Parents everywhere want to help their children learn these essential skills but aren't sure where to start or what to say and do. That's exactly why this information is so important right now. As parents, we've all needed a roadmap to follow so we can help our children get the hands-on lessons they'll need to succeed in the real world, a place that's very different from the time we were kids."

Children need the opportunity to practice in order to learn from successes and disappointments. New information is "locked in" with experience, not just by hearing a concept. "Teaching kids money skills is very similar to teaching them a sport," comments Phillips. "You start with the basic fundamentals and show the children how to practice them during daily life. The kids learn more and more from their experiences, both good and bad. Parents don't need to worry about being investment or math geniuses; the principles are universal and straightforward. However, the skills must be taught and practiced for the children to benefit in the long-term. They don't learn by having somebody else do it for them."

A newly released audio program comes with a workbook which illustrates the key money milestones in the Zela Wela Kids Financial House©. Other topics addressed in the program include: damaging mistakes for parents to avoid when teaching money skills, the Mom Effect, answers to common questions regarding allowances, habits of the wealthy and how to have the credit card "talk" with teens.

"If we can increase the financial capabilities of our youth, it will significantly affect not only their own personal financial well-being but that of their family and society as a whole. These milestones have been created to help parents teach their children the fundamental financial skills necessary to achieve a happy and fulfilling life," concludes Phillips.

For more information regarding the audio program How to Teach Your Children the Most Critical Financial Life Skills, go to http://www.zelawelakids.com

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Ms. Nancy Phillips,BSc., EMBA
Title: Founder and President
Group: DollarSmartKids Enterprises Inc.
Dateline: Kelowna, BC Canada
Direct Phone: 250-864-9419
Cell Phone: 250-864-9419
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