Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Amy Sherman, Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Rosalind Sedacca, Divorce & Parenting Coach teamed up to create a set of two Anger Management Classes targeting parents coping with the challenges of separation or divorce. One is an 8-hour and the other a 12-hour online course that can be taken in the comfort of one's own home over a period of days to get the most value from the content. Both are court-approved in hundreds of municipalities throughout the United States, including Palm Beach County.
The courses are being made available by Online Parenting Programs whose website features a variety of programs dedicated to helping families better cope with parenting after divorce or separation.
"We all get angry when we believe we are being wronged, misunderstood or unjustly accused. It's a natural reaction to circumstances that put us on the defensive. But when we cannot identify or manage our anger, it can take over our lives and affect the well-being of those close to us," says Michelle Muncy, CEO of "When our anger is focused on our relationship partners or a divorcing spouse, it can reach dangerous levels – especially when there are children involved."
According to the program creators, if managing anger has been a challenge, it is important to recognize signs to watch out for in our behavior and identify "red flag" warnings in advance before we explode out of control. With intention and practice, we can learn healthier ways of expressing anger, frustration and other difficult feelings which will make for more peaceful and rewarding life experiences.
"An anger management issues need to be addressed," says Sedacca. "Fortunately there are tools, skills and strategies we can use to change our state of mind, perceive circumstances differently, catch ourselves before our anger explodes, harness our anger in more productive directions and create more inner peace in our lives. Learning these skills will not only make our life more satisfying, it will improve our relationships with everyone in our world – especially our children and co-parent following a divorce."
Identifying Anger Problems:
Authors Sherman and Sedacca say there are several questions we can ask ourselves which will identify whether we have an anger management problem:
• Do I lose my temper easily and quickly? Do small things set me off such as getting stuck in traffic, children running around the house or spilling my coffee? Do I have a low tolerance for frustration? Is it difficult for me to take things in stride?
• Do I show inconsistent behavior that is intimidating to others? Is my behavior so unpredictable that one minute I'm feeling good -- and the next I become explosive?
• Are family and friends afraid of me? Do they often tell me to calm down? Do people say they "walk on egg shells" around me? Do they avoid giving me bad news for fear of my reaction?
• Have I hurt people close to me because of my anger? Have I lost friends, family or even my job as a consequence of my outbursts? Do people distance themselves from being close to me?
• Have I tried to control my anger, but failed? Am I unable to control how I react to things, even though I have tried several different approaches?
• Do I find myself explaining or justifying my aggressive behavior to others? Do I usually blame others for enticing or provoking me to anger?
• Is it difficult to express myself without cursing, swearing and blaming? Is my communication with others often offensive and vulgar? Am I defensive and usually believe the problem "isn't me -- it's them"?
• Does anger cause me to become destructive? Do I frequently break things or become violent towards others? Do I pound on the table, punch a door or throw things to make a point? Have I hit, bit, pushed or forcibly held my partner because of my rage?
• Does my anger spiral out of control? Once I get angry, is it difficult for me to de-escalate? Does it seem to take over and take a while before I am able to settle down?
• Do I have difficulties with authority figures? Do I dislike people telling me what to do and often get into confrontations? Do I purposefully refuse to complete assignments or follow directions, as a sign of rebellion?
• Do I frequently argue at home? Is it difficult for me to have a conversation without getting angry? Do I get upset when others disagree with me? Do I believe others have the power to make me feel stupid or inadequate?
• Is my body language intense? Do I communicate with clenched fists, a tightened jaw and a glaring stare?
Sherman notes, "Controlling our anger will transform life for the better – and give us the tools to respond more effectively to challenging situations, especially in our personal relationships. We can still get our needs met, but without the struggle, turmoil and negative consequences."
About the Authors:
Amy Sherman, LMHC, is a licensed mental health counselor in the state of Florida, with a master's degree in Counseling/Psychology from Vermont College. She has over 20 years' experience working with adolescent substance abusers as well as distressed families and abused men, women and children. She is the co-author, with Rosalind Sedacca, of 99 Things Women Wish They Knew Before Dating After 40, 50 & Yes, 60! as well as the e-book, Distress-Free Aging: A Boomer's Guide to Creating a Fulfilled and Purposeful Life. Sherman is an educator, a seminar/workshop leader, group facilitator and Life Coach. She can be reached at or
Rosalind Sedacca is recognized as The Voice of Child-Centered Divorce and is founder of the Child-Centered Divorce Network which provides valuable resources for parents who are facing, moving through or transitioning after a divorce. She is also a Divorce and Parenting Coach and author of How Do I Tell the Kids about the Divorce? A Create-a-Storybook Guide to Preparing Your Children – with Love! Rosalind has a weekly newsletter and is a weekly blogger for The Huffington Post divorce section as well as numerous other divorce and parenting blogs and websites. She provides workshops and webinars on divorce and parenting issues and can be contacted at or
The content of the new classes for parents includes insights, advice, strategies, questions, videos, quizzes and more, all designed to help men or women create better alternatives in their lives. The courses are also approved for court-mandated Anger Management programs in many counties throughout the United States. Visit: to learn more. Or contact Michelle Muncy at 775-866-0869.
Contact Information:
Rosalind Sedacca
Child-Centered Divorce Network 561 742-3537 Amy Sherman
Baby Boomer Network 561 281-2975 Michelle Muncy 775-866-0869