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New Solution to Help Parents Teach Kids Money Skills
DollarSmartKids Enterprises Inc.- Financial Products for Youth DollarSmartKids Enterprises Inc.- Financial Products for Youth
Washington, DC
Saturday, March 24, 2012

How to Teach Your Children the Most Critical Financial Life Skills Audio Program

Parents around the world are wondering how they are going to teach their children the financial skills necessary to succeed in the future. Nancy Phillips, mother of two young children and the founder of DollarSmartKids Enterprises Inc., is releasing a program on March 30th to address that global problem.

Phillips says, "the skills kids need to learn are basic but it is essential that parents are aware of them so they can give their children the opportunity to practice the skills during daily life and progressively advance them as the children mature."

Phillips is passionate about seeing the next generation learn the skills they need to achieve their biggest goals and dreams in life. "I want to change peoples' awareness about financial skills and how simple the skills really are, it's not as complex as we've all thought – that's a myth that has to be busted once and for all. Parents don't have to be investment geniuses to teach their children great financial skills. It's critical to our children's future well-being that parents feel confident and have the tools they need to teach their children these real-life lessons.

Phillips has  now put the key concepts and tips from her extensive research into an audio program to help parents learn how to teach their children financial life skills in a straightforward, low stress way. Moms and dads can use the framework with their children during daily life right from the pre-school years through high school. Phillips says "parents need to be aware of these universal skills and when to teach them so their children have the opportunity to get hands-on practice at key developmental times. It's a lot like teaching a sport; everyone needs practice to master a skill, it doesn't happen with one or two conversations."

Grandparents are also getting into the game. Phillips says that grandparents often comment on how they wish they had done things differently with their own children, and want to help their grandchildren get off to a better financial start.

The audio program comes with a workbook that illustrates the money milestones children need to achieve and prepare for a financially independent adulthood. The program also discusses mistakes for parents to avoid when teaching their kids about money. "Parents have needed a clear roadmap to teach these essential skills to their kids for a long time now. This program was created to give busy parents the specific information they need in a simple to use format."

The audio program will be available worldwide March 30th in both physical and downloadable products at www.zelawelakids.com/store/

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Ms. Nancy Phillips,BSc., EMBA
Title: Founder and President
Group: DollarSmartKids Enterprises Inc.
Dateline: Kelowna, BC Canada
Direct Phone: 250-864-9419
Cell Phone: 250-864-9419
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