Home > NewsRelease > New Survey Reveals The Impact of Menopause on the Workplace
New Survey Reveals The Impact of Menopause on the Workplace
Mache Seibel, MD -- Menopause Expert, Speaker, Editor HotYearsMag.com Mache Seibel, MD -- Menopause Expert, Speaker, Editor HotYearsMag.com
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Newton, MA
Monday, January 22, 2024


Menopause symptoms have a huge impact on women in the workplace and on the businesses that employ them. It was the subject of my latest book, Working Through Menopause: The Impact on Women, Businesses, and the Bottom Line.

The Society of Women’s Health Research (SWHR) recently published a survey on this topic that Dr. Sharon Seibel and I had the privilege of helping develop.

Below are some of the highlights of that survey, which is called the Employee Perspectives and challenges concerning the Transition of Menopause (EMPACT Menopause) Study. The study highlights some of the far-reaching economic, social, and health care implications during their working years.

Here is information about the women who responded…

About the Respondents

Participants in this international study were predominantly from the United States and were 77 percent white.


The respondents were from a variety of workplace industries…

Four menopause symptoms were particularly bothersome: Sleep, brain fog, weight gain, and mood swings…

And as you might expect, these menopause symptoms had a significant impact on work:

The survey also found that menopause is uncomfortable for supervisors as well as the women experiencing menopause. Overwhelmingly, companies do not have menopause-specific policies or resources.

All of this affects midlife women’s career-related decisions…

As you can see, menopause symptoms have a significant impact on women in the workplace and upon the workplace itself. We are just at the beginning of creating a workplace environment that will help midlife women in their workplace experience. And that will help improve employee satisfaction, retention, performance and reduce absenteeism.

More information on this topic is available in Working Through Menopause: The Impact on Women, Businesses and The Bottom Line.

Click Here to contact Dr. Mache for interviews, menopause coaching, or for consultation.

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For more information or to schedule an interview, contact Dr. Mache Seibel at info@HotYearsMag.com or 617-916-1880.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Mache Seibel, MD
Title: Founding Publisher
Group: The Hot Years Magazine
Dateline: Newton, MA United States
Direct Phone: 617-916-1880
Cell Phone: 617-851-5034
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