Friday, May 24, 2013
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT: Kevin Gollogly ??Marketing Solutions, Inc. ? PHN: 703-359-6000 ? EML: New Women's Hair Loss Seminar Dayton, Ohio Event With Kayla Martell ~ New National Forum Offers Complimentary Support For Women In Need! Dayton, OH Kayla Martell will be in Dayton, Ohio to personally help kick off one of the new national tour of Women's Hair Loss Seminars with free advice and private counsel for women experiencing medical hair loss. Rhonda McCarthy, a nationally recognized expert in women's hair replacement based in Fort Lauderdale, will also personally be on hand with other hair loss experts to offer professional consultations to women in need as well as to help supportive friends, families and anyone interested.
Hair loss affects over thirty million women in the USA, while most women facing hair loss do not know where to turn. Women's hair loss is far more complex than men's hair loss. Hormones and many other factors can cause women's hair to fall out. Whether your hair loss is temporary or permanent, you need to know about your potential options and solutions. Today, there is someone ready to help you!
Women's Hair Loss Seminars: On Wednesday, June 19, 2013 from 6 to 8 PM, Kayla Martell will be available with Rhonda McCarthy, and Bob Rider, the President of The Hair Replacement Clinic to host a new Women's Hair Loss Seminar. This Dayton event will be hosted at the Quality Inn & Suites Hotel, located at 250 Byers Road, Miamisburg, OH ,45342. Those attending this Women's Hair Loss Seminar will learn about the science of hair and hair loss, its emotional toll, how to tell if hair loss is temporary or permanent and most importantly the solutions available. Rider notes, "We want women everywhere who are experiencing thinning hair or any level of hair loss to know that no matter what their level of hair loss – there is a solution. You can have your hair back, beautifully and naturally!" This is a very special opportunity for any woman who is interested in learning valuable information on hair loss. With expert professional hair loss resources available to you, this will be an ideal opportunity for any woman to become better informed about her choices. Each woman attending will receive a free hair and scalp analysis during their confidential consultation. Refreshments will be served.
Dayton -- Hair Replacement Clinic: The Hair Replacement Clinic has been nationally recognized as the industry leader in hair restoration, effectively solving all types of hair loss problems.They restore more than just your hair. They have helped thousands of Ohio men and women suffering the devastating effects of hair loss, baldness and thinning hair. The Hair Replacement Clinic is a full service hair loss treatment, replacement and restoration center, providing both surgical and non-surgical hair restoration and replacement solutions for women and men since 1969. They also offer professional low light laser therapies, hair extensions. Their caring, confidential hair loss counseling provides clients with the ability to make a fully informed decision on which hair loss treatment options are best for their particular hair loss problem. Today, you can shower, exercise, walk into the wind and apply for that promotion at work, all without worrying about your hair. Bob Rider actively works with his HLC team to partner with Kayla Martell and the national Women's Hair Loss Seminar team to help many women who are experiencing hair loss. The Hair Replacement Clinic is located at: 2077 Miamisburg-Centerville Road, Dayton OH 45459.
Support From Kayla Martell: At eleven years old, Kayla Martell noticed a large clump of hair on her pillow one morning. Martell was losing her hair due to alopecia. Kayla Martell did not let that unfortunate challenge stop her from becoming the 2010 Miss Delaware or a top finalist in the 2011 Miss America Pageant. As a result of Martell's experience, she knows all too well the trials and tribulations that come about when women lose their hair. Not only is a woman's outward appearance affected, but her confidence and emotional stability are shaken as well. As the official spokesmodel for Gemtress, the leader in solutions for women's hair loss, Kayla Martell found her solution and then decided she needed to help women learn about their options when it comes to hair loss.
Kayla Martel shares, "When you take the diagnosis, medicine and patient stigmas away, every woman still wants to look and feel like a woman. No matter what, you always want to feel feminine and look beautiful. You really don't want to look and feel like a patient. Gemtress has given me the opportunity to have a totally new, versatile and beautiful image. Kayla Martell found the solution that worked for her. Today, she is on a personal mission and very committed to help other women with any stage of hair loss find the best solution for their individual needs. Martell has successfully transformed herself from a 'Woman in Need' to a 'Woman in Fashion'.
National Women's Hair Loss Seminar Tour: Rhonda McCarthy shares, "So many women feel there is nowhere to turn, but they do think about their hair loss challenges. We are a sisterhood of 30 million and we need to talk about it. Each Women's Hair Loss Seminar will have experts in hair loss available, as well as women who are experiencing all stages of hair loss including women who have found their solution. We are committed to making this a very uplifting and educational experience. Any woman dealing with hair loss should know what options she has and that she is not alone! During the new national Women's Hair Loss Seminar tour, women will now have the opportunity to talk openly about their hair loss, become educated on hair loss options and to meet other women experiencing the same challenges." This tour will soon be available in Florida, California, New York, Ohio and a host of other cities.
FREE June 19th Hair Loss Seminar Registration: To register for this free event and for more information, call The Hair Replacement Clinic at 937-433-5216 and visit You may also call Rhonda McCarthy at 800-327-5555 EXT: 3340.