For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Knoxville,
Sunday, June 23, 2013
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For Additional Information please contact Dan Stockdale at or 865.300.3232 .  (Harriman, Tennessee) A New York man visiting the zoo is lucky to be alive after reportedly going into the tiger enclosure at the Bronx Zoo. This incident is reminiscent of the San Francisco Zoo incident in December, 2007 where visitors were in an unauthorized area and whose behavior was reportedly intended to taunt the tiger, Tatiana.?Just as ignorance and stupidity were at the root cause of the San Francisco Zoo incident, I hope we do not find the same traits here on the part of the gentleman involved,? said Dan Stockdale, tiger trainer and leadership keynote speaker. ?All animals should be treated with respect, especially when the animals are apex predators. Although tigers are amazing creatures they can and will kill ? it?s hardwired in their DNA.?Two other issues must be discussed in regard to this incident. First, visitors sometimes act in an aggressive manner towards animals on display. Many of the animals seen in zoos are endangered or rare species, and like all animals, they deserve our respect.Secondly, tigers in the wild are very near extinction. Within the next two decades it is almost certain that the only tigers remaining will be those in captivity. If this is to be their fate then it is imperative we begin working with cubs when they are young so they are more accustomed to human interaction and do not perceive humans as a threat. The worst scenario possible is for a mother raised cub to be placed in an exhibit having had little human interaction, then have an individual either intentionally or unintentionally enter into free contact with the animal. It is a recipe for death and disaster.### Dan Stockdale is the Founder of Adventures in Leadership. He is a tiger trainer and keynote speaker to corporations and associations where he teaches executives how to apply the principles of exotic animal training to developing star performers in their organizations. You can learn more about Stockdale at www.TigerGuy.comDan Stockdale Founder & CEO Adventures in Leadership & World Nature Coalition (865) 300-3232 The post New York Man Mauled by Tiger at Bronx Zoo appeared first on Adventures in Leadership.
Dan Stockdale is a tiger trainer, leadership keynote speaker and management consultant. He has appeared on Fox News, Fox Business Channel, New York Times, Headline News, Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune and many more. Dan is also the author of numerous articles and books on leadership. Dan earned a bachelors degree in psychology, a master’s degree in communication, and is an MBA candidate at Vanderbilt University. You can find out more about Dan Stockdale at