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New hip-hop video celebrates the Occupy Movement
Omekongo Dibinga -- Youth Speaker Omekongo Dibinga -- Youth Speaker
Boston, MA
Monday, December 26, 2011

Omekongo Dibinga
A new hip-hop video celebrates the Occupy Movement, which has taken the world by storm. Omekongo "The UPstander" Dibinga composed the new song "Occupy ALL Streets", which was created into a mini-movie by his brother Said. Says Omekongo: "I have been proud to participate in the Occupy Movement. Through my involvement however, I have noticed that there was not a strong involvement from the hip-hop community. I felt it was necessary to make a contribution in the name of hip-hop and in the name of UPstander International. The video can can be viewed here.

Omekongo is the UPstander. He is an award-winning artist who uses his skills as a speaker, poet, and musician to inspire positive change across the globe. His work has been televised in over 150 countries. He was selected by CNN as one of 5 people out of 750,000 to receive the first ever "iReport Spirit Award" for his video commentary. For more information, please visit 
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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Omekongo Dibinga
Title: Director
Group: UPstander International
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Direct Phone: 202-251-7746
Cell Phone: 202-251-7746
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