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NewsJacking vs. SearchJacking.
The Searchjacking Institute The Searchjacking Institute
Washington, DC
Saturday, June 6, 2020

For Immediate Release -- June 6, 2020,
NewsJacking vs. SearchJacking.
The word was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2017 ("the practice of taking advantage of current events or news stories in such a way as to promote or advertise one's product or brand") and appeared as one of the eight neologisms on their Word of the Year shortlist. They credit David Meerman Scott, marketing expert, for this contemporary usage.   

....and here is his book at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Newsjacking-Inject-Breaking-Generate-Coverage-ebook/dp/B0065MKMMS/ref=sr_1_6

See more info about his marketing ideas & newsjacking in David's Wikipedia page


Watch a great video from Mr. Scott here that explains NewsJacking:



SearchJacking is best described by Mark Scheafer at BusinessGrow.com; 

He defines it as: "When a topic gets hot, the Internet Bad People quickly catch on and capitalize by finding ways to catch the wave with their own spammy offerings. It could have been worse — there were so many posts about the subject that it is pretty saturated with legitimate content but you can see how not protecting yourself as your business grows can provide vulnerabilities to your brand."   See his blog post at: https://tinyurl.com/SearchJacking
Mitchell P. Davis, a certified search engine optimization (SEO) professional (Certified by Bruce Clay -- https://www.bruceclay.com/),   Has adopted the phase to encompass many kinds of snarkey SEO much of it unethical and some illegal SEO. 

See more info about Davis's perspectives by following him at: http://www.Twitter.com/SearchJacking
Here's a list with descriptions and links to Tweets for 12 concepts:  (Note: You have to clcik the "Back" button to get back to this news release after you open these links.)

1) Dark Patterns are tricks used in websites and apps that make you do things that you didn't mean to,  https://twitter.com/SearchJacking/status/1200279708493070336?s=20
2)  Aggressive Sales Tactics On The Internet And Their Impact On American Consumers  https://twitter.com/SearchJacking/status/1200279530247802881?s=20
3)  The Deceptive Experiences To Online Users Reduction (DETOUR) Act  https://twitter.com/SearchJacking/status/1200047800576290821?s=20
5)  How to Avoid 'Searchjacking' and Keep Your Brand above the Spam  https://twitter.com/mark_reisz/status/454155842817097728?s=20
6)  "Searchjacking" can happen to anyone. Here are some ways to combat it: https://twitter.com/CyberAlert/status/451384364237324289?s=20
7)  How to avoid "searchjacking" to keep your brand safe:  https://twitter.com/talkingtiana/status/453476206441418752?s=20
8)  .com vrs. .net  -----     WELCOME TO GROUP BUY SEO TOOLS   See both .com and .net players  https://twitter.com/SearchJacking/status/1156558283932688385?s=20
9)  .com vs .co which domain extension should I use?  https://twitter.com/SearchJacking/status/1156555316856807424?s=20
10)  The darkest SEO: forging judges' signatures on fake court orders to scrub negative Google result -  https://twitter.com/SearchJacking/status/1156553431630397440?s=20
11)  Knowing how to manage your online reputation may be the single most important thing you can do to succeed both today and in the future.  https://twitter.com/SearchJacking/status/1150980844087119872?s=20
12)  How To DOMINATE The First Page Of Google With Launch Jacking  https://twitter.com/SearchJacking/status/1150451099373133825?s=20
Question?  Contact:  Mitchell P. Davis @202-333-5000 or by email at: ExpertClick.com






The Dark Patterns Video:

More results on "SEO Jacking" at YouTube:


.....and "Launch Jacking" https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=launch+jacking








....and "Cookie Jacking," ...also known as "Session Jacking


Wikipedia on "Session Jacking"




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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Mitchell P. Davis
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Direct Phone: (202) 333-5000
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