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No Excuses for Parental Alienation
Rosalind Sedacca -- Divorce and Co-Parenting Expert Rosalind Sedacca -- Divorce and Co-Parenting Expert
West Palm Beach, FL
Monday, April 27, 2009

Rosalind Sedacca, CCT
When it comes to divorce, most people agree there are far too many flaws in our legal system, especially when children are involved.

But one author contends that too many parents for too long have been using the divorce courts and related legislation as excuses for their own poor judgment and decisions.

?It?s time for divorcing parents to recognize and acknowledge their own negligence in making sound decisions on behalf of their children,? says Rosalind Sedacca, Founder of the Child-Centered Divorce Network and author of How Do I Tell the Kids about the Divorce? A Create-a-Storybook Guide to Preparing Your Children -- with Love!

?Using the pretense of ?love? some parents make choices that are selfish, thoughtless and sometimes downright destructive regarding their children?s long-term well-being following divorce,? she adds. ?We?ve all read the headlines and seen the damage inflicted onto children through divorce gone wrong. Both parents must take responsibility for making it right.?

Sedacca is passionate about enlisting the nation?s legal, educational and therapeutic communities for one purpose: bringing a heightened awareness to parents about their responsibility to their innocent children. ?Kids have a fragile sense of self-esteem. We can never overemphasize how dramatically parental decisions about divorce can affect their children ? for years ? and often for a lifetime.?

Sedacca?s book is based on her personal experience more than a decade ago when she was facing the difficult task of breaking divorce news to her son. She ultimately created a simple and compassionate storybook, integrating family photos and history, as a successful way to move through the tough conversation.

Now her innovative Create-a-Storybook? strategy has become a customizable ebook with age-appropriate (five to fifteen) fill-in-the-blank templates, along with advice from six practicing therapists. The book is designed to keep parents on track with the right messages. ?Children love to see themselves in the family photos and derive comfort from being able to read the book again and again in the weeks and months that follow.?

The ebook gets divorcing parents together on the same page regarding their parental responsibilities toward their children. When they understand their impact on how well the children will thrive after divorce it?s less likely that they will use and manipulate the children as pawns to get back at one another. Sedacca strongly emphasizes how much children need to love and have access to both parents post-divorce. ?When parents sincerely understand the emotional and psychological consequences of alienating the children from their other parent, they make wiser, more conscious decisions that work on the children?s behalf,? she says.

Sedacca also says she worked hard at creating a child-centered divorce with her ?wasband.? Her son, now a practicing veterinarian, greatly benefited from the cooperative co-parenting from age eleven on. He wrote the Forward to her book and enthusiastically endorses her Child-Centered Divorce Network.

In her coaching, Sedacca suggests several key questions that parents should ask themselves before moving into and through divorce. She also strongly recommends keeping out of the courts and using mediation, Collaborative Divorce attorneys or other alternative options to reap a more positive result after divorce for everyone in the family.

For more information about Sedacca, her Network, book, free ezine and other resources for parents, visit www.childcentereddivorce.com.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Rosalind Sedacca
Title: Director
Group: ChildCentered Divorce Network
Dateline: Boynton Beach, FL United States
Direct Phone: 561-742-3537
Main Phone: 5613854205
Cell Phone: 561 385-4205
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