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No author plans to fail … Get 8 tips for reaching your goals
Dr. Judith Briles --The Book Shepherd Dr. Judith Briles --The Book Shepherd
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Denver, CO
Tuesday, October 1, 2024


No author Plans to Fail …
here’s 8 tips for reaching your goals

Goals—identify them—they are your friends … a good thing to have and do for any author who wants to be seriously successful! 

A few “authoring and publishing” years ago, I expanded my original Snappy Sassy Salty and published Snappy Sassy Salty Success: Wise Words for Authors and Writers. The new edition added another 200.

Why? Because it is woven with quotations to kick-start and propel authors and writers forward. That’s YOU … and … that’s ME. The goose many need to re-juice ideas, to repurpose old content, add inspiration, get motivated, to move forward … the list is endless.

This week, it’s a transition to the final quarter of the year. It’s a big book selling time. And plans for the New Year bubble up. Many look forward to it. Many are still wondering where 2024 went. And many are thankful that they survived the topsy turvy roller coaster that the previous nine months has been.

It’s a year that so many have “hope” for—be it personal, professional, health, for the community—you name it, the word “hope” is at its core. Whatever the plans and goals are, the word “hope” comes into play.

If you are going to succeed in this writing, authoring, publishing, book marketing arena, you need to be kick-started and refueled to propel forward.

Most of us have resolutions at this time of the year, loaded with good intentions. By mid-January, they begin to dwindle. Most likely, when February hits, they become nothingness.

Let’s not go there. Let’s not do that.

First, start with realism. Not pie-in-the-sky … reaching to stuff that is more fantasy and fiction vs. “yes, this can happen” approach. Becoming a best-seller is totally possible; being a best-seller on Amazon is totally possible; earning book awards–sure; getting in front of media is totally possible; having a formidable book event is totally possible; speaking at an event and selling lots of books is totally possible. Is being on the New Times bestseller list possible? Maybe … probable … hmm, most likely not. It’s time to get real and start adding “notches” to your pushing achievements.

Being realistic is critical to tying in with success for you and your book. It’s goal-setting time …

To set you and your book into a positive book strategy mindset for 2025, here are a few tips.

1. Be realistic

You envision selling 20,000 copies of your book … Do you have a Game Plan in place to initiate and support it. Do you have the time to support it? Do you have the energy? Do you have a network? If not, perhaps it’s not a realistic goal for you right now. The average New York published book sells LESS THAN 5,000 copies.

Stop living your fears … live your dreams. If you believe your book will be successful, it’s the first step.   Snappy Sassy Salty Success

2 Determine if Your Goals Are Measurable and Make Them So They Are.

Being vague is passe and not an option for you. Put numbers, facts by them. Don’t say “Get on TV” or “Sell more  books.” State what TV show you will get on … how many shows you want to be featured on … how many books you will sell (a specific number). 

3. Get a Goal Buddy or Friend.

Someone you connect with once a week … a someone who will help hold you accountable and be an encourager as well.

4. Create a visual Goal Board.

Write yours down. The big ones—the little ones. It’s time to get the sticky notes out and start noodling ideas.

5. Create an Action Plan for You and Your Book.

Once you get these in writing, “ahas” happen. It is also a crucial and realistic checkpoint. 

6. Review as the Year Flows. 

Tweak here and there. If they have become unrealistic, move them off your Goal Board and let your Goal Pal know. Stay on track. 

7. Revisit Your Goals. 

Record your accomplishments as the coming year progresses. It keeps you “goosed” and IDs what’s working … and what is not. 

8. Celebrate when you achieve a Goal. 

And here’s the fun part… you design the celebration around what you want to do. 

Here’s to reaching your author and book marketing goals in 2025!


Dr. Judith Briles started writing notes to her classmates in first grade … and got into “disruptive trouble” from her teachers. She’s now the author of 47 books and counting, still being a disrupter. Her books have won over 55 book awards and been Amazon bestsellers. You can follow her professional side at www.TheBookShepherd.com where she works with writers to become published authors. Listen in to her weekly podcast: AuthorU: Your Guide to Book Publishing at https://bit.ly/AuthorUPodcast

©2024 Judith Briles – The Book Shepherd™ All Rights Reserved 

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Name: Dr. Judith Briles
Group: The Book Shepherd
Dateline: Aurora, CO United States
Direct Phone: 303-885-2207
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