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Obamacare & Your Business: Teleseminar Replay
Cynthia Shelby-Lane, M.D. -- Laughter is Good Medicine Cynthia Shelby-Lane, M.D. -- Laughter is Good Medicine
Southfield, MI
Friday, January 11, 2013


Obamacare & Your Business:  Teleseminar Replay

Experts:  William J. Mosley, CPA, Esq and Dr. Lonnie Joe, MD

Show:  1.10.13 at 8 PM est

Hosted by:  Dr. Cynthia Shelby-Lane, MD

What a great conversation we had with William J Mosley, CPA, ESQ, and Dr. Lonnie Joe, MD, discussing "Health meets Wealth: The Health Care Mandate, Obamacare & Your Taxes".

Here's a little of what we covered:

  • What happens to your investment income?
  • How much will families making 50,000 or more have to pay?
  • Will you have to pay more for groceries and college?
  • What will happen to your current health care coverage?
  • What happens to the 30 million uninsured who are the newly insured?
  • Will your employer opt out of your insurance plan and pay the penalty, leaving you high and dry? Or, uncovered and on your own?
  • Will you still be able to see your current primary care doctor? At what cost?

If you were not able to join us live, here's a link to listen to the replay:

Click here to access the replay

Best of health and wealth,

Cynthia Shelby-Lane, MD



P.S. Feel free to share this teleseries with your friends and family that may benefit - http://conversationswithdrshelbylane.com.

Disclaimer: By participating in this call, you agree to being recorded. All medical concerns must be directed to a qualified medical specialist and this call is not a substitute for proper medical care, diagnosis or treatment.


©2013 Cynthia Shelby-Lane MD, All rights reserved.
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Name: Cynthia Shelby-Lane, M.D.
Dateline: ROYAL OAK, MI United States
Direct Phone: 800-584-4926
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