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On Memorial Day, this 82 year old, one cent post card, will make you cry
Dr. Burton Schuler -- Morton's Toe Expert Dr. Burton Schuler -- Morton's Toe Expert
Panama City, FL
Thursday, May 23, 2024

Postcard dated February 10, 1942

The other day I was looking at  an old  National Geographic when  a postcard fell out.  If you collect them ,  you know that this is  really not that unusual, with people  over the years leaving letters, receipts, photos, etc. in them.  This one cent  postcard was dated February 10th. 1942, exactly 2 months after Pearl Harbor.  and was sent from one cousin to another, both living in Ohio.   

The postcard started out with standard stuff  with Cousin Stedman, "catching up" with  Cousin Ella  telling her how the family was,  and that he had a very, very bad cold that he could not get rid of

Then Stedman's tone became much more somber and graver  He said

" Isn't this war terrible makes me shudder as I read or hear it over radio. How my heart aches for mother's and the boys. Am afraid Lyle will have to go. Do you  have any boys that will have to go? I hope not."

The anguish of those words leaves me numb. Was it just an accident that I found this  82-year-old postcard in a magazine during the week of  Memorial Day, I don't know. But the one thing that  I do know, is I hope Lyle did  not have to go.  


Dr. Burton S. Schuler, Podiatrist, Foot Doctor, of Panama City, Fl, is the  leading national and international  expert on the painful medical problem know as the Morton's Toe or the Long Second Toe. He is the author of the only   book every written entirely about the Morton's Toe. entitled  Why You Realy Hurt: It All Starts In The Foot, It was published in 2009 and now is in it's  4th printing.    The book is the story of how the Morton's Toe can cause pain not only of your foot,  but can cause pain  thru out your whole body. Dr. Schuler is a 1975 graduate of the New York College of Podiatric Medicine. He has also written the 1982 The Agony Of De-Feet, A Podiatrist's Guide To Foot Care, His articles about the foot, have appeared in the leading podiatric journals and publications. He has been interviewed by such varied publications as the New York Times, Cosmopolitan Magazine, and First for Women. During his almost 50 year career he has appeared on hundreds of radio stations to give his expert opinion regarding the Morton's Toe and other foot   

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Name: Dr. Burton S. Schuler
Title: Podiatrist, Foot Specialist
Group: Dr. Burton S. Schuler
Dateline: PANAMA CITY Beach, FL United States
Direct Phone: 850 872 9073
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