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On Overweight and Obesity
Varney Kanneh -- Food Safety Expert Varney Kanneh -- Food Safety Expert
Bowie, MD
Sunday, November 22, 2015


There is not a quick answer to this over whelming question of what actually contributes to causing overweight and obesity!   The epidemics about overweight and obesity that are covered on regular television news and in the newspapers did not occur over night. Overweight and obesity must be recognized as a part of the chronic conditions.  To know this as a fact, that overweight and obesity are chronic; means that there are a variety of factors that play important roles in the development of these two related conditions.  That makes overweight and obesity very complex public health issues to address.  Overweight and obesity can shorten the cause of diabetes type 2 in men, women and children nowadays.  "Prolonging True Lives," in chapter four and in many other places in the entire book has attempted to address some facts about these two conditions to an extent; explaining how behavior, environmental conditions and changes and sometimes genetic factors may have an impact in causing individuals to become overweight and obese. 

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Name: Varney Kanneh
Title: Author/Writer
Dateline: Bowie, MD United States
Direct Phone: (240) 206-9313
Cell Phone: (240) 893-9401
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