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Online Ice Rescue Training for First Responders
Lifesaving Resources, LLC Lifesaving Resources, LLC
Kennebunkport, ME
Monday, November 16, 2020

Ice Rescue Training
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Lifesaving Resources will be offering a series of ONLINE ICE RESCUE AWARENESS COURSES for First Responders.  This training meets/exceeds NFPA 1670 & NFPA 1006 Standards for Technical Rescue and is designed to provide First Responders with the knowledge required to safely and effectively respond to emergency incidents on, around, and through the ice.  Upon registration, the participant will be sent a COURSE GUIDEBOOK, and upon successful completion of the training, the graduate will receive a COURSE COMPLETION CERTIFICATE.  Due to the current pandemic,

Lifesaving Resources has cancelled all in-person training programs, but have expanded their online training opportunities for First Responders.  The course dates are as follows: December 10, January 7, January 21, February 4, and February 18.  Each course is conducted from 1 PM - 4 PM EST.  To register, please access the OnLine Course Registration Section of the website at https://lifesaving.com/online-rescue-training-courses/

The company is also offering a series of free DROWNING & AQUATIC INJURY CASE STUDIES.  These webinars are conducted monthly, with the next webinar scheduled for Thursday, November 19, from 1 PM - 3 PM EST.  These webinars will be of benefit to Lifeguards, Lifeguard Instructors and Supervisors, Aquatic Facility Managers and Operators, First Responders, and Personal Injury Attorneys.  

With the possible release of a COVID-19 vaccine, the company is hoping to resume its in-person training in February to conduct their annual INTERNATIONAL ICE RESCUE INSTRUCTOR ACADEMY, February 18 - 21, as well as their annual INTERNATIONAL WATER RESCUE INSTRUCTOR ACADEMY May 13 - 16,  Both Academies are conducted in Portland, Maine.




Lifesaving Resources (www.lifesaving.com) is a private company dedicated to drowning and aquatic injury prevention and emergency management.  Located in Kennebunkport, Maine, Lifesaving Resources is recognized both nationally and internationally as a leader in Ice and Water Rescue training programs for First Responders.  The company develops educational programs in Water Rescue, Swiftwater Rescue, Ice Rescue, Lifeguarding, Drowning Prevention and Aquatics Safety, and conducts this training throughout North America as well as Internationally.  The company conducts an annual INTERNATIONAL ICE RESCUE INSTRUCTOR ACADEMY, as well as an INTERNATIONAL WATER RESCUE INSTRUCTOR ACADEMY.  The purpose of these internationally-recognized Academies is to train and authorize Ice and Water Rescue Instructors for Fire, Rescue, EMS, and Law Enforcement agencies.  For information on any of their programs, please access their website at https://www.lifesaving.com.



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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Gerald M. Dworkin
Title: Consultant, Aquatics Safety and Water Rescue
Group: Lifesaving Resources, LLC
Direct Phone: 207-967-8614
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