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Organic Vs Conventional - Organic Wins!!
Andy Lopez  - Organic Gardening Expert Andy Lopez - Organic Gardening Expert
Malibu, CA
Friday, August 7, 2015


Organic Vs Conventional -The Proof that Organic is better is here……


After 30 years of side-by-side research in a study called Farming Systems Trial (FST)®, Rodale Institute has proven once and for all that organic farming is better than conventional farming. For years now, the conventional farmers along with their conventional suppliers such as Monsanto have been paying for "studies" that prove that there is no difference between food grown organically and food grow  "conventionally". By the way, conventional farming is a nice family friendly way of same business as usual: chemicals to meet every need of the modern farmer! Monsanto especially would like us to think their food is safe and as nutritional as organically grown food. Just like we are told that  Nuclear Power is clean (ignore the radiated waste) and that Coal burns clean (ignore everything it destroys thru climate change). Conventional farmers would like us to ignore the chemical damage they are doing.

 The public is already confused about GMO (not all GMO's are bad - it's the GEO's we must control) and now they want us to eat more GEO products without concern for the obvious damage it will do the environment, humans, animals ( see my 14 ways to kill all living beings within 100 years).

So I am glad to see that this report is finally out.

After 30 years of research, they are saying what I have been saying all along:

FST Facts from the report:

 Organic yields match conventional yields. 

Organic outperforms conventional in years of drought. 

Organic farming systems build rather than deplete soil organic matter, making it a more sustainable system. 

Organic farming uses 45% less energy and is more efficient.

Conventional systems produce 40% more greenhouse gases.

 Organic farming systems are more profitable than conventional. 

Soil health in the organic systems has increased over time while the conventional systems remain essentially unchanged 

Carbon increase was highest in the organic manure system, followed

by the organic legume system. The conventional system has shown a loss in carbon in more recent years. 

Organic fields increased groundwater recharge, and reduced runoff.

"Organic agriculture has the potential to secure a global food supply, just as conventional agriculture is today, but with reduced environmental impact." This is according to a report that came out of the Food and Agricultural Organizations of the United Nations (FAO) International Conference on Organic Agriculture and Food Security. 

Agroecological farming methods could double global food production in just 10 years, according to a report from the United Nations. Agroecological practices, like organic practices, attempt to mimic natural processes and rely on the biology of the soil and environment rather than synthetic sprays and other inputs. 

Switching to organic methods in communities where people struggle to feed themselves and their families can lead to a harvest 180% larger than that produced by conventional methods. 

Organic farms are significantly more profitable. 

The organic systems used 45% less energy than the conventional systems and produced more greenhouse gases.

The Reports ends with this

We have shown that organic can feed the world. Now it is time to take on the matter of feeding the world well




The only area I wish they had studied as well is the comparison between organic food and conventional food is their nutritional values. I know that if they were tested, it would be found to be more nutritional value to the organic produce then to the conventional. This follows the simple law of what you put in is what you get out.

If you wish to get a free copy of this report






Andy Lopez

Invisible Gardener

Any questions? Email me andy@invisiblegardener.com 

Andy Lopez - The Invisible Gardener  --- Click on image to go his website.
Andy Lopez

Contact Andy Lopez  Invisible Gardener 310-457-4438 or call 1-888-316-9573 leave a message.

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Group: Invisible Gardener Inc
Dateline: Malibu, CA United States
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