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Over 50 and F*ing Funny, Joe Hobby Comedian
Frank King -- The Mental Health Comedian Frank King -- The Mental Health Comedian
Eugene, OR
Friday, October 16, 2020

Joe Hobby and Jay Leno
Video Clip: Click to Watch


Funny comedians over 50! Listen in for some hilarious humor and fascinating stories from who've gotten their AARP card and are still making people laugh. In this new weekly podcast launched today, comedians Jan McInnis and Frank King talk with comedians who may not be famous, but they are funny! "There are lots of comics out there who have been making a living at comedy for decades. They are funny and we want to spotlight them," notes McInnis. The podcast highlights some live comedy clips from each comedian and includes a lively Q&A with Jan and Frank about their life in comedy. This week's guest is Comedian Joe Hobby

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Name: Frank King
Group: The Mental Health Comedian, LLC
Dateline: Springfield, OR United States
Direct Phone: 858.405.5653
Main Phone: 8584055653
Cell Phone: 8584055653
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