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PSOW® Launches 4th Annual National Business Etiquette Week June 1 – 7; Social Media Etiquette & Myths; Hated Business Behaviors
Jeffrey P. Jones -- Hong Kong Executive _ Transcultural Coach Jeffrey P. Jones -- Hong Kong Executive _ Transcultural Coach
New York,
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Jeffrey Jones and August 2007 PSOW Graduates
  (June 3, 2010) Research shows 86% of recruiters look at social media sites like Facebook (FB), Twitter, and MySpace to learn more about job applicants and 44% don't hire applicants based on their findings.[1] "What you say and do on-line is just as important as what you say and do in the workplace. Whether you're job hunting or gainfully employed inappropriate behavior can be a deal-breaker," says Pamela Eyring, President of The Protocol School of Washington®,  global leader in business etiquette and international protocol since 1988 and the first school of its kind in America to become accredited and recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

To spotlight the importance of business etiquette, especially in today's digital age, PSOW (www.psow.edu) is sponsoring the 4th annual National Business Etiquette Week June 1-7 offering tips and advice to help professionals recognize and combat bad behavior and act more professional. Historically, 85% of job success is connected to people skills including sending a hand-written thank you note after a job interview to show respect and distinguish yourself from the competition.

Top 5 Social Media Myths

  • FB is personal (FB is now used by businesses from solo shops to the Fortune 50)
  • FB is private (default privacy settings are minimal – select privacy settings manually)
  • Only my followers read my Twitter posts (the Library of Congress has started collecting Twitter posts as a way to record history)
  • Recruiters Don't Look at MySpace or YouTube (recruiters look everywhere)
  • My FB profile and pix can be deleted (even deactivated content remains on FB's server)

Top 5 Most Hated Business Behaviors Internationally

  • Using swear words (79%)
  • Arriving at work and not acknowledging fellow workmates (77%)
  • Speaking loudly across the room (66%)
  • Not offering guests a beverage (51%)
  • Taking calls on speakerphone (47%)

Top 5 Business Etiquette Mistakes & How to Correct Them

  • Unprofessional office attire (dress two levels above your position)
  • Improper handshake (use a firm, web-to-web handshake)
  • Poor eye contact (make eye contact 40% - 60% of the time in between the eye brows)
  • Poor dining skills (when in doubt watch the host)
  • Cell phone rudeness (keep phones on vibrate and use your library voice)

Business Etiquette On-Line

PSOW recently went virtual www.PSOWeLearn.com offering courses on-line at a fraction of the cost of on-site training. PSOW's virtual platform helps the jobless (and veterans seeking a refresher course) master business behavior conveniently 24/7 from a PC, laptop or iPad. The training helps improve confidence, build relationships and enhances leadership skills via step-by-step advice, tips, scored tests and interactive video.

Founded in 1988 to meet the needs of an expanding global economy PSOW has trained over 3,000 graduates from 45 countries. Facilitators hail from The White House, the Disney Institute, corporate America and the military. Students travel to D.C. from as far away as the UAE, Bulgaria, China, Great Britain, Ghana, India, and Switzerland. PSOW is owned by Pamela Eyring who has worked with heads of state, four-star generals, CEOs and entrepreneurs.

Human Factor International is a global Executive Coaching practice with clients on five continents.  Our global network of executive coaches and human resource professionals has the flexibility and capability to deliver scalable executive coaching and development programs that meet the needs of multi-national organizations, regional businesses, and individual entrepreneurs.  We partner with leading organizations and individuals to "Raise the Limits of Human Potential" in order to achieve breakthrough business and personal results.

[1] Execunet

[2] Servcorp


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Name: Jeffrey P. Jones
Title: Executive & Transcultural Coach
Group: Human Factor International
Dateline: Hong Kong, China
Direct Phone: 852 2159 9135
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