Home > NewsRelease > PUC of Nevada Commits Discrimination Violation for a Second Year
PUC of Nevada Commits Discrimination Violation for a Second Year
National Toxic Encephalopathy Foundation National Toxic Encephalopathy Foundation
Las Vegas, NV
Monday, September 23, 2024


It is standard practice for schools and businesses to give their Jewish students and employees excused absences for two of the most sacred days in their faith:  Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

Despite these well-accepted considerations, for a second year the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada, (PUCN) through its current chair, Hailey Williamson, has scheduled a consumer session on October 3, 2024, which is Rosh Hashanah.

Ms Williamson, the state Attorney General's Bureau of Consumer Protection and NV Energy, all parties to the consumer session, were immediately notified of the scheduling problem after the meeting date was publicly announced on September 19th.

Ms Williamson, the person responsible for setting the meeting date, failed to respond on any basis to the problem she unilaterally created by failing to consult a calendar.

The PUCN'S Commission Secretary received a phone call about the problem and vowed to speak with Ms Williamson, but there was no forthcoming change in the meeting date. The Secretary after being notified previously of this problem was cognizant to make sure it never occurred again, which both Mr. Weir and Ms Williamson disregarded. 

Ms Williamson's general counsel, Garrett Weir, eventually offered a brief, inappropriate and off-point response that "the PUCN celebrates all officially recognized legal holidays."  Again no change in the meeting date.

By their biased choices, Ms Williamson and Mr. Weir believe it is of no importance that practicing Jewish Nevadans must either forfeit their right to attend a consumer session and comment, or defy the tenets of their faith and interrupt their religious services. It is an untenable choice for people of faith when the PUCN could have rescheduled the consumer session, but refused to do so

With all the turbulence and strive going on with anti-Semitism over the war, its amazing that Ms Williamson isn't showing any respect for Nevada's Jewish population and Mr. Weir as an attorney, is just as anti-Semitic as her. He could have told her "its in the public interest", which is the PUCN'S ad nauseam mantra, when they want to "deviate" from something.

Discrimination and marginalization toward the public they are to serve find a disturbing home in 2024 at the PUCN thru Mr. Weir and Ms Williamson.

Mr. Weir and Ms Williamson's salaries are generated from a "Mill Tax" that is assessed on every ratepayer's energy usage. Thus they have a highly vested interest in keeping rates high, as they have no access to funding from the state's general fund.

Both Mr. Weir and Ms Williamson were basically "juiced" into their positions. Ms Williamson had her "workout" buddy who worked for the Governor get her appointed. She was an administrative attorney and elevated into a position she wasn't and still isn't qualified for.

Mr. Weir was "chosen" by the Commissioners who were his "friends". Mr. Weir was up against the former Nevada Lt. Governor who was also the former State Treasurer, Attorney, nepotism at its finest. Even though there always is an "open" call for applicants, its always the "current" employee applying that they hire.


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Name: Angel De Fazio, BSAT, BCNHP
Title: President
Group: NTEF
Dateline: Las Vegas, NV United States
Direct Phone: 702.490.9677
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