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Parent Advice for Teenagers who Cause You Stress on Game Day!!!
Thomas and Bonnie Liotta -- The Parent Helpers Thomas and Bonnie Liotta -- The Parent Helpers
Seattle, WA
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Parenting Advice for Stressed Out Moms and Dads!
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Thousands of parents are seeking Parent advice for teenagers who actively participate on a sport team. They want to know how it can be more fun and bonding, instead of chaotic and stressful. Some good parents have a teenager who is registered on several teams or they have several children, each participating on a different team. Life can become very chaotic and stressful! An article posted on PRWeb, earlier this year, states, "Parents drive 207 million miles a week taking their children to recreational events." 

As much as parents go out of their way for their children and teenagers, many of them are seeking out good parent advice for teenagers, when it comes to taking stress out of the equation.

"Game day is stressful for our family." Said a dad, who has a couple of boys registered on a baseball team. He devotes his time, early in the morning before he goes to work, to practice hitting and catching with the boys; he comes home early and goes to bed late in order to make it work. 

"I am doing this for my sons but it seems that every day there is a game, I am on them. They need their uniforms clean, their gloves ready and we need to be there on time. Is there a way to create peace out of chaos?"

Does this sound familiar to you? If it does, it doesn't have to be! You are the parent and it is up to you to set the correct environment for your child to choose success for themselves. You can use this parent advice for teenagers or you can keep doing what you are doing, but this is a perfect opportunity to teach your son or daughter an important life skill. If you are doing everything for your child in order for them to be successful in their sport now, ask yourself this question: When will my child learn the very important characteristic of responsibility? The truth is, if you don't take the time to teach them this lesson, they will never learn it!

Parent advice for teenagers- to help YOU take stress out of game day!!!

1. Choose a definite, defined goal.

Decide in advance what your main objective is for the day. This could include but is not limited to getting to the game on time, with a clean uniform in a peaceful, harmonious way by acting as a team.

2. Create a plan with a game day schedule (there should be a daily schedule).

You, the smart parent, choose the schedule of events for game day. Write down everything that needs to get done that day, a list of everything the child needs to remember to bring and a time to be in the car, ready for the game.

3. Present the plan, schedule with timelines, to the child.

After you have everything in writing and organized with timelines, present your plan to the child. That way you know what is expected and so do they. You could say, "Little Timmy, I would love for you to play baseball this year. In order for you to earn the privilege of playing the game, we have devised a schedule of expectations for practice and game days so we can work together as a team. This will mean, no yelling from mom and dad and cooperation from you."

4. Have the child echo back the plan to you.

After you have laid out all the expectations, have little Timmy repeat back to you what he heard you tell him until you are on the same page. "Little Timmy, can you tell me what you heard." "I heard that if I am going to play baseball this year, I am expected to finish my homework and chores first, be responsible to remember all my belongings and be sitting in the car on time."

5. Praise.

When little Timmy gives you the correct answer, praise him for being so smart!

6. Question and Quantify.

When you take this parent advice for teenagers, make sure to add this extra 5 minutes and you will have cooperation all season long! Ask "Little Timmy, what do you need to do in order to earn the privilege of playing baseball this year, ensuring you have a ride to the practices and games?" Little Timmy will answer, "Get my chores done, gather all my belongings and be sitting in the car on time." "What do you need to do if you choose to not go to your game?" "Not do my chores on time, forget my baseball glove and be late getting to the car." "Perfect! Look how awesome you are! You always know the correct answer."

Being part of a sports team is a privilege, not a right. When the child is given laid out structure and expectations they are given the opportunity to show you what they can do. All children would love to please their parents but they do not have the capacity to tell you in words that they need help. They need you, as their parents to take this parent advice for teenagers and teach them the life skills they need to be successful on their own. 

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Bonnie has an extensive background in personal development. She has been recognized as a leader in business, being featured in two National Magazines, Success Magazine and Your Business at home. She has worked with tens of thousands of individuals through Inspirational Speaking, Coaching and Leadership.

Thomas has spent his entire life working with and coaching children. He began coaching little league at the age of 17 and by 1994 he was running and operating his own Martial Arts School. He made a decision early on to always work with kids in a positive manner, meaning never saying no to a child and it worked!!! He has developed a philosophy for guiding their behavior by teaching children to earn things.

These two have strategically come together to create the most up-to-date and innovative parenting philosophy on the planet!!! The Creating Champions for Life philosophy has already helped thousands of families discover true happiness, peace and loving relationships with one another. Find out all you can about this amazing philosophy! 

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Name: Thomas and Bonnie Liotta
Title: Founder, CIO
Group: Creating Champions for Life
Dateline: Seattle, WA United States
Main Phone: (206)262-7340
Cell Phone: (206)391-0223 NIS
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