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Parents and Teachers: Youngster iPad Use Part of the Solution
Eitan D. Schwarz MD -- ZillyDilly for iPad Eitan D. Schwarz MD -- ZillyDilly for iPad
Thursday, March 22, 2012


Strong Family Life and School Teacher and Peer Relationships Must Anchor Youngster Tablet Use

THE URGENT PROBLEM: Technology can benefit but may also harm growing and grown brains alike. Source: Must see long but excellent video. BRAVO! Milken Institute for publishing the best perspective yet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=NcsKGGJAcEs

Face-to-face contact. Strong family life and an interpersonal social context have to anchor us all. Make the iPad a fun family and school appliance. Prevent alone use except for reading and homework. Create face-to-face media-free human interactivity zones and times and prevent interference with mealtimes, family drives, recess, outdoor play time, other friend and family togetherness opportunities. Parents -- park your device before interacting with family. Keep your child's brain green by being fully present together.

Source: http://www.mydigitalfamily.org

Technology has to be part of the solution, it is here to stay,

Root technology and integrate it within strong family life and embed it in positive interpersonal school relationships, starting as early as it takes, like good hygiene and diet. Teacher relationships are important and cannot be replaced and must be strengthened by technology.

Source: "Kids, Parents &Technology: A Guide for Young Families", book available widely. http://www.mydigitalfamily.org

ZillyDilly for iPad home and school use childproofs the Internet while giving parents and teachers choices of the best curated age-sensitive online content. The Internet is a wonderful environment for children if done right. ZillyDilly is the first media manager for to educate, empower, and enable parents and teachers.


Consider ZillyDilly as the best first child's iPad app to install and a pre-condition for allowing all other apps, whatever age. ZillyDilly, based on the book, is still the only actual comprehensive and credible hands-on fix for the Internet. ZillyDilly childproofs the Internet while customizing content for health and growth.  Apple's great new CONFIGURATOR tool amplifies ZillyDilly power in schools.

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Name: Dr. S
Title: Founder/CEO
Group: MyDigitalFamily, Ltd.
Dateline: CHICAGO, IL United States
Main Phone: 847.675.5393
Cell Phone: 847.507.9185
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