Home > NewsRelease > Perplexity Page — Content Creators’ Best-Kept Secret
Perplexity Page — Content Creators’ Best-Kept Secret
Terry Brock -- Achievement Systems Terry Brock -- Achievement Systems
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Orlando, FL
Friday, June 14, 2024


Welcome back to another episode of Stark Raving Entrepreneurs! I’m your host, Terry Brock, and today we’re diving deep into a game-changing tool that’s guaranteed to give you an edge in content creation—Perplexity.

In this episode, we’re not just talking theory; we’re giving you step-by-step guidance on how to use Perplexity to gather valuable insights, generate fresh ideas, and personalize your content like never before.

You will love the unique features that set Perplexity apart from tools like ChatGPT and Google. In addition to that you’ll learn how to leverage its answer-centric approach to create compelling, well-referenced content.

This is particularly important for content creators that want to generate a loyal following.

Plus, we’ll show you how to make this technology work for you, customize it with your own unique twist, and enhance your business relationships with powerful AI-driven strategies.

Stay tuned for valuable tips, practical examples, and a free resource that will elevate your entrepreneurial game. Let’s get started!

First, here’s a gift for you to better understand AI and build sales – Recommended AI tools for business growth.
Here’s Your Video Link:

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Here are some timestamps that can be useful for you:

1. **[00:00:00] Introduction to Content Creation Advantage**

– Terry Brock discusses the importance of finding tools that give content creators an edge and solve their audience’s problems.

2. **[00:01:03] Introduction to Perplexity**

– Introduction of the tool ‘Perplexity,’ its features, and how it compares to other platforms like ChatGPT and Google.

3. **[00:02:10] Using Perplexity – Interface Overview**

– Demonstrates the Perplexity interface, how to navigate it, and the main functions such as threads, pages, and collections.

4. **[00:03:35] Example Use Case – Personalized Shopping**

– Terry provides an example of how to use Perplexity for content creation, focusing on personalized shopping using AI.

5. **[00:05:54] The Concept of “You-izing” Content**

– Terry emphasizes the importance of adding personal experience and perspective to AI-generated content, rather than just copying and pasting.

6. **[00:08:44] Creating a New Page in Perplexity**

– Step-by-step instructions on creating a new page in Perplexity, including how to add and change images and content dynamically.

7. **[00:17:04] Using Perplexity for Controversial Topics**

– Discusses how to use Perplexity to explore different points of view on controversial topics and to develop well-rounded arguments.

These timestamps should provide a solid overview of the key points discussed in this episode.

We’re Stark Raving Entrepreneurs. We help you with the lifestyle of “Live and Let Live.” Do whatever you want, but don’t hurt others and don’t take their stuff. We embrace what is called the “Non-Aggression Principle” (NAP).

For your convenience here are some time stamps of note-worthy content for this episode:

Hall of Fame keynote speaker Terry Brock is a globally connected leading authority who works with organizations that want to leverage technology and social media for more customer engagement, productivity, and increased profitability.

Terry is the former Chief Enterprise Blogger for Skype, former Editor-in-Chief for AT&T’s Networking Exchange blog, and former Chief Retail Advisor for ACE Hardware.

A master at his craft, Terry earned the Certified Speaking Professional designation from the National Speakers Association and was inducted into the Speaker Hall of Fame. He was inducted into the Virtual Speakers Hall of Fame and he was recognized as a Legend by the Veteran Speakers Association.

Terry is also a Cavett Award recipient, recognized as the National Speakers Association’s “most cherished” award (only one per year).

As the CEO of Stark Raving Entrepreneurs, Gina Carr works with business leaders to leverage AI-powered marketing for more impact, influence, and income. Gina has an MBA from the Harvard Business School and an engineering degree from Georgia Tech. Known as “The Tribe Builder,” Gina helps passionate people build powerful tribes of raving fans.

A serial entrepreneur, Gina has created several businesses, including an award-winning real estate company, a chain of community magazines, and Video Rock Starz. She is the CEO of TEDxDupreePark. A native Atlantan, Gina now lives in Orlando with her sweetie Terry Brock. Gina is a passionate advocate for animals, freedom, and plant-based living!

Here are the ways to work with us here at Stark Raving Entrepreneurs:
? ARE YOU A CONTENT CREATOR? Get this popular guide : ?? https://terrybrock.com/5k

? Join our Stark Raving Entrepreneurs Community TODAY at: http://starkravingentrepreneurs.com
We’re a channel devoted to those with an entrepreneurial spirit who believe in freedom and liberty. If you like the idea of living a voluntary life, not initiating force or coercion, and living life peacefully, abundantly, and making a lot of money, this is the place for you!

We look forward to hearing from you and getting your opinions and thoughts. Drop us a note at Terry@TerryBrock.com or Gina@GinaCarr.com.

Thank you for joining us today.
? ? ? ? ?
Terry Brock & Gina Carr

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Terry Brock
Group: Achievement Systems
Dateline: Orlando, FL United States
Direct Phone: 407-363-0505
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