A recent headline in USA Today said that 45% of the American population is experiencing some degree of anxiety, which is just a somewhat nicer version of the real emotion: fear.
Who's the generator of that fear conversation is your ego. Your ego is not your friend. It will do anything to prevent you from just living in the present moment. It has you spend your time feeling guilty or resentful about something that has or hasn't happened in the past or worrying or just being concerned about something, anything, that may or may not happen in the future. If you do either, you're screwed (that's a technical term).
So is there an antidote? Is there a way to experience personal empowerment in the face of fear? Actually yes. Stay in the present moment.
The only place where life can show up and where you can be effective is in the present moment. The past is over and the future hasn't yet arrived. To spend your time worrying, being fearful about the future is to give in to your ego and just guarantee that you will be unhappy.
Plus, how can you even begin to be effective in dealing with any of your circumstances, no matter how extreme, if you can't just stay in the present, focus on them, and make the best choices you can.
Furthermore, regardless of whatever is happening, you can either never expect the best or expect the best some of the time or all of the time. Why not expect the best all of the time, again no matter what's going on at the moment? Staying in the present moment and expecting the best will not only take you out of the grips of your ego, but there is actual scientific evidence for the fact that you will greatly increase the likelihood of the best outcome actually occurring.