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Personal Growth Retreats Offer Baby Boomers a New Path to Fulfillment in Life
Tom Hinton --  CRI Global, LLC Tom Hinton -- CRI Global, LLC
San Diego, CA
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

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It's not surprising that Baby Boomers are searching for greater meaning and purpose in their lives. After all, this is the same generation that has suffered through three difficult recessions, the rise of terrorism, the haunting memories of Vietnam, and two painful wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

To find answers to life's nagging questions about higher purpose, life's meaning and how to create a lasting legacy, Baby Boomers are turning out in droves to attend personal growth, self-help and cutting edge workshops and retreats.

While there are hundreds of personal development programs to choose from, one such program is receiving kudos from attendees because it is based on a philosophy that demands attendees be accountable for their own actions and come prepared to confront serious issues and challenges that block them from achieving their goals and dreams, create a life action plan for success, and participate in an online community to ensure they follow-through on their commitments.

The program is The Course of 10,000 Days™ retreat and it's sponsored by the 10,000 Days Foundation, a non-profit organization based in San Diego dedicated to helping people live their passion, love what they do, and create a lasting legacy.

Much of the work of the 10,000 Days Foundation stems from the popular new book entitled 10,000 Days: The Rest of Your Life, the Best of Your Life! by author Tom Hinton. In the book, Hinton reveals a powerful approach to help people assess their life in terms of what they want to achieve in the next 10,000 days or 27 years.

Hinton tells us that the average person lives about 30,000 days, or 82 years. But, it isn't until we near the end of our Fulfillment Years (ages 28-54) that we realize life's time clock is ticking away along with our goals, dreams and aspirations. "It's at this point," Hinton says, "people finally realize they have little time to accomplish their goals and create a lasting legacy. So, they suddenly have a sense of urgency, but they need direction and help to get there."

This is at the core of what The Course of 10,000 Days™ retreat teaches. It is part philosophy, part spirituality, and heavy on personal growth and achieving your life goals.

The Course™, as it's commonly referred to, challenges attendees to ask themselves several key questions. Among those questions are:

¦ Do you want more happiness and abundance in your life?

¦ How do you celebrate the gift of life?

¦ Are you frustrated in your career and want greater balance in your day-to-day life?

¦ Are you searching for a new direction that will bring you closer to achieving your goals and living your dreams?

¦ Are you feeling overwhelmed as if you've lost control of your life?

¦ Do you want to expand your circle of influence and build new relationships.

¦ Are you searching for a new romance?

¦ Are you trying to forgive someone who hurt you and just can't do it?

¦ Do you need to find the strength to ask someone to forgive you for a past wrong you committed?

¦ Are you ready for more positive changes in your life?

¦ Are you stuck and need the guidance and wisdom of a Life Coach or other certified professional who can help you achieve your life goals?

¦ Do money and the opportunity for abundance run away from you when you approach them?

¦ Are you a poor money manager?

¦ Are you looking for ways to get re-energized at work?

¦ Do you want to start feeling better about yourself or find ways to take better care of you?

These are just a few of the penetrating questions attendees are expected to ask themselves and try to answer before entering the weekend retreat. According to author Tom Hinton, "This self-assessment stage is the start of a powerful transformational process we must all go through in order to overcome life's hurdles and achieve our goals and dreams."

Hinton added, "There are no quick-fix solutions or short cuts to getting it right in life. We each get one shot at life and so why not strive to make it a wonderful, joyful experience. Our life is not a dress rehearsal; and, nobody was put on this earth to be miserable or unhappy. What 's unique and special about The Course of 10,000 Days™ retreat is there are no fire walks or out-of-body exercises required. The focus is on you, the attendee, and helping you overcome your hurdles in order to create a success plan to achieve your goals and dreams!"

Upcoming mini-retreats will be held at the Rancho Bernardo Inn in San Diego in March, April and June. The Course of 10,000 Days™ program begins on Friday evening, March 15, at 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm and continues all-day Saturday, March 16, from 8:00 am – 5:15 pm. The Course™ will feature a series of outstanding speakers and life coaches who will address eight key elements that dominate our life. They are: Wellness, Career, Money, Relationships, Romance, Environment, Fun & Recreation, and Legacy. Several outstanding speakers and facilitators will join author Tom Hinton to explore these eight areas and help attendees gain greater insight and clarity of direction.

Attendance is limited so you're encouraged to act quickly if you want to attend. For more information, or to register for The Course™ retreat, please visit: http://10000days.org/th_event/the-course-of-10000-days-mini-retreat-2/

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Tom Hinton
Title: President & CEO
Group: 10,000 Days Foundation
Dateline: San Diego, CA United States
Direct Phone: 800-544-0414
Main Phone: 760-787-0414
Cell Phone: 858-449-9055
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