About Things to Do In Plymouth, MA
Things to Do In Plymouth MA is the home of the most comprehensive events calendar for residents of and visitors to Plymouth Massachusetts. From guided hikes in Myles Standish State Forest to live entertainment in Plymoutoh's robust night life, there's no other place to find all events under one roof! It's always free to post your event.
About founder Marilee Driscoll
Marilee Driscoll is a longtime resident of Plymouth MA who - like many of her friends - missed out of events since there was no one place to find them easily, and on demand! That's the inspiration behind Things to Do In Plymouth, MA. Driscoll is also a vocal unofficial ambassador for her town, having helped many new residents and confused tourists discover the special place on the sea that is Plymouth MA.
Marilee is also a keynote speaker, author and entrepreneur. She is the president-elect of the New England Chapter of the National Speakers' Association. The Marilee Driscoll Company provides strategic planning for business owners, as well as ongoing help, tools, tactics and systems to help them accomplish their goals.
Driscoll's businesses include BIZclub, a highly-effective program of monthly group teleconference calls and one-on-one coaching calls for business owners and aspiring business owners. Her newest business is Things To Do In Plymouth MA, where she provides an events calendar to help residents and visitors more easily find what's going on in her hometown.
Driscoll has been quoted in publications including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and Kiplinger's Personal Finance. She had been interviewed on The CBS Early Show.