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Present An Image As Good As You Say You Are (On Video)
Sylvia Henderson - Interpersonal Skills Expert Sylvia Henderson - Interpersonal Skills Expert
Olney, MD
Friday, March 26, 2010

Sylvia Henderson, Video Profile
Video profiles are emerging as necessary tools to complement resumes and pre-screen for interviews in job searches. They are also effective business preview tools for potential client and partnering considerations, and can present the initial face to your business or nonprofit for potential investors and donors. Amateur antics and editing typical of personal video posts are poor reflections of the quality of your experiences and capabilities.

Just as with your written business proposals and marketing materials, you must convey a level of professionalism about you and your organization in your video profiles. In this session you will receive and share tools and processes for presenting the best business image you can when you post your videos online.

To project your professional work ethic and capabilities into your video profiles, the actionable information you will take from this session includes:

* Considerations for preparing your video profile

* Research suggestions

* How to look and sound professional on camera

Your video profile may be viewed by people worldwide. You never know when it is being viewed and by whom. Make yourself look and sound your best on every video so that you are congruent with what you say you and your business can do, and who you say you are, in print, on screen, and in person.

(Read complimentary article and see video intro here.)

Workshop location:
The Rockville (MD) Innovation Center, 155 Gibbs St., Rockville, MD 20850

Workshop dates and time: Multiple. See http://www.springboardtraining.com/programs/upcomingsessions-timesensitive for the most current workshop dates and times.

This workshop facilitator, Sylvia Henderson, helps people SHOW they're as great as they SAY they are. She works with individuals and organizations (businesses, associations, non-profits, educational, and government) to make their "people image" (interpersonal skills) match - or exceed - their organizational image for greater profit, more clients, and a higher degree of personal and professional success.

Sign up for monthly content and bring Sylvia to your organization at SylviaHenderson.com.

Blog: http://blog.springboardtraining.com Twitter: @SuccessLanguage.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Sylvia Henderson
Title: Chief Everything Officer (CEO)
Group: Springboard Training
Dateline: Olney, MD United States
Direct Phone: 301-260-1538
Main Phone: 301-260-1538
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