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Printable Banners and Banner Maker
Kay Savetz -- Free Printables Kay Savetz -- Free Printables
Portland, OR
Friday, September 2, 2016

Custom Banner Maker

A collection of new, free printable banners has been added to the site PrintableBanners.net.


"These 32 new additions to the site are large, premade banners for a variety of events and parties," said Kevin Savetz, the site's creator. "Or, use the PrintableBanners.net free banner maker to create any banner you need."


Each letter prints onto a full sheet of 8 1/2-by-11-inch paper. After printing you can string the pages together or tape them to a wall for display. There are 231 premade designs. Or, to use the free banner maker,  type in a message, choose a text color and font, and pick filled or outline letter style.


The new banners include: bake sale, block party, concessions, cook-off, farmers market, health fair, silent auction, speed dating, photo booth, time out, treat yourself, trivia night, tryouts, welcome home baby, kissing booth and even "will you marry me."


There are new seasonal and holiday banners such as: fall festival, corn maze, haunted corn maze, haunted house, trick or treat, Easter egg hunt, summer camp, summer sale and winter wonderland.


I've added new church banners to PrintableBanners.net along with a few new business banners. The new school and classroom banners include: learning center, reading corner and talent show.


"The number of free banners that can be made is truly limitless," Savetz said. "And people looking for printable signs can check out my site PrintableSigns.net.


There are more than 90 sites in the FreePrintable.net family of free printables sites created by Savetz Publishing, Inc., a company devoted to creating useful and informative web sites of interest to consumers and small businesses.



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Name: Kay Savetz
Dateline: Portland, OR United States
Cell Phone: (707) 400-6360
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