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Printable Receipts for Businesses
Kay Savetz -- Free Printables Kay Savetz -- Free Printables
Portland, OR
Friday, March 21, 2025

Printable Receipts for Businesses
New receipt templates have been added to the website PrintableCashReceipts.com, bringing the total of printables at the site to nearly 500.

"These receipts are great for small business owners, freelancers, charities or anyone else who needs to issue a receipt," said Kay Savetz, the site's creator. "PrintableCashReceipts.com has everything from simple, basic templates to illustrated receipts"

The just-added business receipts with graphics for specific ventures include: child care, dog walking, pet sitting, firewood sales, home moving, house painting and yarn or fiber arts. Also new is a plumbing receipt with a humorous graphic, along with a spa-style massage receipt.

There are new receipts that have copies on each page for: babysitting, car washing, lawnmowing, leaf raking or snow shoveling. These are perfect for jobs done by teens or others who want confirmation that clients have paid for their services.

Rounding out the new additions are: a gift card balance tracker, a recurring payments tracker and several deposit receipts.

"The printables at PrintableCashReceipts.com will save you and your business time and money," Savetz pointed out. There are both free PDF versions as well as paid, editable DOC versions of each receipt.

There are more than 100 sites in the FreePrintable.net family of free printables sites created by Savetz Publishing, Inc., a company devoted to creating useful and informative web sites of interest to consumers and small businesses.
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Name: Kay Savetz
Dateline: Portland, OR United States
Cell Phone: (707) 400-6360
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