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Prioritize Your True Business Focus
Anthony Signorelli -- Consultant in Sales Force Effectiveness Anthony Signorelli -- Consultant in Sales Force Effectiveness
Sitllwater, MN
Thursday, February 10, 2011

New Rules of Self Employment announces the release of a new tool to help you prioritize your work. It's free and on the website. This five step program helps people cut through the clutter to find the true focus of their business. With all the distractions in business today, it's easy to miss your focus. Every business has one or two things that make all the money, and as a freelancer or business owner, you need to focus time and energy on that one thing, rather than all the other things. This new tool will help people find those one or two things.

"Most people working at jobs or business, myself included, spend time doing things we believe are important," said Tony Signorelli, author, blogger, and speaker for New Rules of Self Employment. "Yet the belief is often shaped more by what we've been told is important than by what is actually productive. As a result, we spend more time doing unimportant or irrelevant tasks—using time that could be used to be productive or live our joy."

"The problem is that if you do not know what are your most productive activities, you cannot prioritize them, nor can you manage them appropriately. So once you have a larger perspective on your work and life via the experience plan, you need to analyze your business and find its true focus. Once you know that true focus, you can concentrate on it, and you will realize the true cost of everything that moves you away from that focus."

Signorelli is a consultant in sales force effectiveness, and author of two books and many articles. Information is available at his website: www.newrulesofselfemployment.com.

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Name: Anthony Signorelli
Title: Principal Consultant
Dateline: Sitllwater, MN United States
Direct Phone: 651-340-2196
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