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Prominent Gynecologist Disagrees With New Mammogram Guidelines
Dave E. David, M.D.  --- Doctor Spokesperson Dave E. David, M.D. --- Doctor Spokesperson
Boston, MA
Monday, November 16, 2009

Dave E. David, M.D.
 Boston area gynecologist and recipient of the 2008 Patient's Choice Award, Dr. Dave David disagrees with the new recommendations which were released today, increasing the age of routine mammogram screening to age 50, from the previous recommendation of 40.

"Physical exam can miss 50% of breast cancers.  The addition of a mammogram increases the detection of cancer.  Additionally, mammogram can detect a breast cancer well before it is palpable.

     "We spend a great deal of money screening all adult women for cervical cancer, yet cancer deaths are much more common from breast cancer than cervical cancer" says Dr. David.

"The test is almost painless and the anxiety women will have by having to wait until age 50 will be great" says Dr. David.  

Dr. David also says that although a family history of breast cancer does increase a woman's chances of acquiring the disorder "somebody has to be the FIRST in  a family to get it".

Along with Dr. David, The American Cancer Society also disagrees with the new recommendations.

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Name: Dave E. David, M.D.
Dateline: Boston, MA United States
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