| In This Issue: 1. Find a Reporter's Email Address 2. Link to Facebook from LinkedIn 3. New Posts at My Blog 4. Hound Video of the Week 1. Find a Reporter's Email Address Use social media sites to build the relationship with journalists, you've heard me preach. If you've already done that on a site like Twitter, and you want to pitch her, you can come right out and ask, "Do you welcome pitches here?" But let's say you have a time-sensitive story idea and you haven't connected with the journalist at all on social media. You need to email her NOW, when news is breaking, but you can't find her email address. What do you do? Start by Googling her name. Here's a fictional example of how I'd search: Mary Smith + Forbes columnist + email If that doesn't work, I have six other ideas for easy ways to find a journalist's email address, including one terrific resource for advanced sleuths. Read about them at my blog 2. Link to Facebook from LinkedIn If people are interested enough in you to spend time reading your LinkedIn profile, they might want to take advantage of all that super content you're sharing on your Facebook Page. Tell them where to find you! Here are two things I do on my LinkedIn profile: --LinkedIn lets you insert three links into your profile. I include a link to my Facebook page. --I also include the link within the last paragraph of the text in my profile: "Contact me at JStewart@PublicityHound.com or call 262-284-7451. I'd love to hear from you. Or meet me on my Facebook page where you can ask a question or share a tip." Notice I didn't just tell them to Like the page. I tell them exactly what I want them to do: Talk to me. I shared more than two dozen other tips during the webinar I hosted Thursday on "35 Ways to Promote Your Facebook Page." Order the webinar replay and all the bonuses here. 3. New Posts at My Blog Like these? Share these: 7 easy ways to find a journalist's email address How to score maximum publicity in minimum time Dog Tweets: 25 Twitter accounts to help you get published 4. Hound Video of the Week Meet Meysi, quite possibly the world's smallest dog, about the size of a soda can. Dog Jokes & Quotes Ebook: 170+ G-rated dog jokes and quotes, perfect for a dog-lover, your favorite vet, or just for a few good laughs. Permission to Reprint: You may reprint any items from "The Publicity Hound's Tips of the Week" in your print or electronic newsletter. But please include the following paragraph: Reprinted from "The Publicity Hound's Tips of the Week," an ezine featuring tips, tricks and tools for generating free publicity. Subscribe at http://www.publicityhound.com/ and receive by email the handy cheat sheet "89 Reasons to Send a Press Release." If you like these tips, please pass them on to your friends, clients and colleagues. Privacy Statement: The Publicity Hound respects your privacy and has a strict anti-spam policy. | Joan Stewart The Publicity Hound | | |