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Publicity Tips---LinkedIn Kills Events App
Joan Stewart -- Publicity Expert Joan Stewart -- Publicity Expert
Port Washington, WI
Tuesday, December 11, 2012


  The Publicity Hound

Tips, tricks, and tools for free publicity delivered weekly!

Tips Of The Week -- Dec. 4, 2012

Issue #670

  In This Issue:

1.  LinkedIn Kills Events App

2.  Tips for Holiday Book Sales

3.  24 Steps to a Great Webinar

4.  Hound Video of the Week

This Week in the Hound House:

My friends say I'm the only person who's still gardening in Wisconsin in December. I'm planting the 100+ bulbs I bought last week. Can't wait till spring!

1. LinkedIn Kills Events App

LinkedIn no longer lets you create events and share them with your connections.

It has shut down the Events app, a really dumb move. We've relied on Events as an easy way to get free publicity for our B2B live and virtual events and share them with people who might want to attend.

Until LinkedIn creates a better alternative to Events, or brings it back because people are grousing, hop on over to Lanyrd.com.

It's a directory of conferences, events and speakers. You can sign in with your Twitter or LinkedIn username. Create your own event, see events your friends are attending or speaking at, add talks you've given, and build up your speaker profile.

It took me only 10 minutes to create an event for the webinar I'hosted, Thursday, Dec. 6, on "How to Launch a Book, Promote It and Sell a Truckload--Without an Expensive Publicist." You can see the event on Lanyrd

Lanyrd lets you link to videos, slides, podcasts, handouts, photos and sketchnotes.

I just discovered Lanyrd this morning and I'm not familiar with all the bells and whistles yet. But I wanted to let you know about it so you can start posting your own events and experiment with the other features.

2. Tips for Holiday Book Sales

Authors, December is the perfect time to promote your books and capitalize on holiday sales.

Here are three ways to publicize special deals:

--Email your list of current customers or newsletter subscribers and tell them you're offering free shipping during a certain week.

--Offer a special discount if they buy a book in December. Also give them a coupon they can redeem in January when they buy the same book for a friend, or another book for themselves.

--Have a special "after Christmas" sale. That's what the big retailers do.

Those are only three of the dozens of tips that book publicist Penny Sansevieri shared during the webinar on "How to Launch a Book, Promote It and Sell a Truckload--Without an Expensive Publicist." This is perfect for authors who have books that aren't selling, or for anyone who is thinking of writing a book.

The two-hour presentation comes with a giant package of bonuses that offer in-depth training on keyword research, how to sell books on Pinterest, how to write press releases for a book launch, and how to work with a major publisher who approaches you.

Purchase the replay here

3. 24 Steps to a Great Webinar

Several years ago, when I started hosting webinars, I wish someone had given me a checklist of step-by-step instructions that explained exactly what to do, and when, the day of a webinar.

I made lots of mistakes because I didn't have a cheat sheet in front of me. I finally got smart and created my own. To this day, it's my life-saver.

It prevents me from making dumb moves like failing to reboot the computer before I begin, or forgetting to hit the "Start Recording" button, or not posting the "Please Do Not Knock-- Recording in Session" signs on the door.

That checklist is one of several bonuses that Publicity Hounds are downloading right now because they signed up for the webinar I hosted last week on "How to Host Webinars and Sell Them as Profitable Products."

If you missed it, you can buy it right now and get instant access to the download page where you can find the video replays, the PowerPoint slides I used, the all-important 24-point checklist, and all the other bonuses.

Go here now

4. Hound Video of the Week

Who needs a trampoline? Not this dog featured in the "Lady & the Trampoline."

Dog Jokes & Quotes Ebook: 170+ G-rated dog jokes and quotes, perfect for a dog-lover, your favorite vet, or just for a few good laughs.

Permission to Reprint:

You may reprint any items from "The Publicity Hound's Tips of the Week" in your print or electronic newsletter. But please include the following paragraph:

Reprinted from "The Publicity Hound's Tips of the Week," an ezine featuring tips, tricks and tools for generating free publicity. Subscribe at http://www.publicityhound.com/ and receive by email the handy cheat sheet "89 Reasons to Send a Press Release."

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Joan Stewart

The Publicity Hound


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Phone: 262-284-7451

Email: jstewart@publicityhound.com

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Name: Joan Stewart
Group: The Publicity Hound
Dateline: Sagamore Hills, OH United States
Main Phone: 262-235-2843
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