| In This Issue: 1. Your Book Turned into a Movie 2. Pinterest Contests 3. New Posts at My Blog 4. Hound Story of the Week 1. Your Book Turned into a Movie The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Brighton Beach Memoirs Marley & Me Tuesdays with Morrie That's a small sampling of the several hundred book titles that have been turned into Hollywood movies. If those authors had THAT kind of luck getting their books on the big screen, can you? Of course. But only if you understand that agents in the movie business are very different than agents in the book business. Many authors don't know this, and they waste time sending general inquiry letters to movie studios and production houses. Veteran screenwriters have a formula for catching a buyer's attention. If you use it, it will allow the buyer to instantly visualize how your story will look on the screen. More novels, true stories, nonfiction books and "How To" books are being turned into movies and TV shows than ever before. In fact, 5 of the 9 Academy Award nominated films for 2012 started out as books! Don't miss a free teleseminar at 2 and 7 p.m. Eastern Time on Thursday, Jan. 31, on "How to Sell Your Book or Story to Hollywood as a Movie or TV show...Even If It's Self-published." Steve Harrison will interview a Hollywood insider whose team has helped filmmakers and authors sell more than 2,000 entertainment projects. Important: When you reserve your spot on the call, Steve will send you a "Turn Your Book Into A Movie" worksheet that will help you write the perfect "Logline" for your book. What's a logline? You'll find out on the call. But it's one of the most important first steps you need to take if you want to get the attention of a Hollywood agent or producer. Grab your seat right now. Even though the call is free, I'm a compensated affiliate for Steve's company, which offers a variety of training programs and services for authors and authors-to-be. 2. Pinterest Contests If you've been pinning on Pinterest, creating boards, and attracting followers, but you aren't seeing much in return, it's time to jump to the next level and start making money from all those pretty pictures. How? By sponsoring a contest on Pinterest. Do it right, and the contest can be a traffic-pulling magnet. It can also help you build a big email list of people who have given you permission to market to them. And a fun contest will encourage your friends, followers and fans to give you publicity galore! Beth Hayden, a prolific pinner and author of the book "How to Use Powerful Pinterest Contests to Grow Your Audience and Explode Your Profits," knows everything about how to turn Pinterest contests into profit. Join us for a content-rich webinar to find out, step by step, how you can use Pinterest contests for better marketing power in 2013. It will be at 4 p.m. Eastern Time on Thursday, Jan. 31. Register here. 3. New Posts at My Blog Last chance to hear Danny Iny's tips on Jan. 29 webinar How to handle rejection from journalists when doing PR Dog Tweets: 3 great tips on how to use LinkedIn 4. Hound Story of the Week Thanks to Publicity Hound BL Ochman, aka @WhatsNext on Twitter, for sharing this story about Tommy, a German Shepherd that attends Mass daily at the church where his owner's funeral was held. Dog Jokes & Quotes Ebook: 170+ G-rated dog jokes and quotes, perfect for a dog-lover, your favorite vet, or just for a few good laughs: ------------------------------------------ Read my publicity tips on Twitter Join my Facebook Fan Page Connect with me on LinkedIn (and tell me how we know each other) Follow me on Pinterest - ------------------------------------------- Permission to Reprint: You may reprint any items from "The Publicity Hound's Tips of the Week" in your print or electronic newsletter. But please include the following paragraph: Reprinted from "The Publicity Hound's Tips of the Week," an ezine featuring tips, tricks and tools for generating free publicity. Subscribe at http://www.publicityhound.com/ and receive by email the handy cheat sheet "89 Reasons to Send a Press Release." If you like these tips, please pass them on to your friends, clients and colleagues. Privacy Statement: The Publicity Hound respects your privacy and has a strict anti-spam policy. | Joan Stewart The Publicity Hound | | |