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Qualifications for Public Interest Groups wishing to join forces with The News Council
News Council News Council
Georgetown, DC
Tuesday, April 4, 2023

The News Council

Qualifications for Public Interest Groups wishing to join forces with The News Council --

-- the valiant purveyor of truth, vanquisher of falsehoods, and sworn enemy of titillating yet frivolous news!

  1. Mission: Must be a do-gooder extraordinaire, with aims that jive perfectly with our own superhero-like endeavors of spreading knowledge and uplifting society!
  2. Relevance: Keep it current, folks! Address those burning social issues that have everyone a-twitter (not just on Twitter).
  3. Impact: Prove that you've got the power to make the world a better place, one awesome initiative at a time.
  4. Collaborative Spirit: Play well with others, and let's join hands to make the world a more informed, wholesome place!
  5. Leadership: Be the Dumbledore to our Hogwarts - wise, visionary, and possessing a spectacular beard (beard optional).
  6. Ethical Practices: Keep it clean, folks! Nobody likes a shady character lurking in the shadows of dishonesty.
  7. Budget: Show us the money! We need your financial support to cook up some seriously powerful public service news campaigns.
  8. Media Exposure: Be the Taylor Swift of social causes - attract attention and get people talking about the right things.
  9. Diversity: Embrace the power of the melting pot! We're all about that eclectic mix of ideas, backgrounds, and identities.
  10. Measurable Outcomes: Show us the numbers, baby! Prove your past victories and help us evaluate our dynamic duo's future success.


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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Mitchell P. Davis
Group: Broadcast Interview Source
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Direct Phone: 202-333-5000
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