You've locked in a fantastic keynote speaker—now let's make sure they can truly shine! A great keynote isn't just about who's on stage; it's about creating the right vibe for a powerful, engaging experience. Keynote speaker and comedian Jan McInnis shares eight simple (but super effective) ways to set things up for success.
Make the Keynote Feel Important Your audience should know this is a big deal! Get them settled and quiet before the speaker starts so the speaker doesn't have to waste time fighting for attention.
Pick an Enthusiastic Introducer Whoever introduces the speaker should actually want to do it! The company president might not be the best fit—try to go with someone who can bring some energy and excitement.
Stick to the Intro, Not the Bio A great intro is short and punchy, highlighting key points without overloading the audience. If the speaker provides a long bio, ask them for a trimmed-down version that gets straight to the good stuff.
Time It Right Think about where the keynote fits into your schedule. A serious talk right after lunch? Risky—people might be too full and sluggish. An interactive session at the end of the day? Tough, because everyone's exhausted.
Keep the Stage Close to the Audience A huge gap between the stage and the crowd can create a disconnect. Keeping things up close and personal makes it harder for people to zone out and start side conversations.
Ditch the Disruptions No speaker—no matter how famous—can compete with clanking dishes or waitstaff serving meals. Jan has seen firsthand how even a renowned surgeon could not talk over the waitstaff.
Keep Centerpieces Low Sure, flowers are nice, but seeing the speaker is better. Keep table decorations low so no one has to peek around them to see what's happening on stage.
Eliminate Other Distractions Nothing steals attention like a surprise commotion. Jan once had to compete with a rolling chocolate fondue fountain (spoiler: the chocolate won). Plan accordingly—no distractions during the talk!
By following these easy tweaks, you can create the perfect setup for your keynote speaker to deliver an unforgettable talk.
Jan McInnis
Keynote Speaker, Comedian, and Master of Ceremonies
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