Home > NewsRelease > Raether to Keynote Davis Regional Women's Conference
Raether to Keynote Davis Regional Women's Conference
Edie Raether Enterprises  and  Wings for Wishes Institute Edie Raether Enterprises and Wings for Wishes Institute
Charlotte, NC
Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Edie Raether, international business speaker and bestselling author will keynote at the Davis Regional Women's Leadership Conference on May 10th. The thems is Be Bold.  The conference will be held at the Statesville Civic Center in Statesville, NC.  Raether's lucheon keynote is entitled Dare to Dream: Think BIG -  Act BOLD and is sponsored by Yadkin Bank. 

The conference is from 9-2. Contact the Statesville Chamber of Commerce for registration information. 

Visit EdieRaether.com or contact her at (704) 658-8997 for information on speaking, training or coaching programs.  

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Edie Raether, MS, CSP
Title: CEO
Group: Edie Raether Enterprises and Wings for Wishes Institute
Dateline: Charlotte, NC United States
Direct Phone: (704)658-8997
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