Home > NewsRelease > Rainbow Acres, a local natural food store in Los Angeles, has launched ELANVEDA’s product line
Rainbow Acres, a local natural food store in Los Angeles, has launched ELANVEDA’s product line
Dr. Marc Halpern --  Ayurveda Expert Dr. Marc Halpern -- Ayurveda Expert
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Sacramento, CA
Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Rainbow Acres, a local natural food store in Los Angeles, has launched ELANVEDA’s product line

Rainbow Acres partners with ELANVEDA to retail the Ayurveda-inspired product line of natural essential oil formulas and grown-in-the-wild dietary supplements.

“Natural, Organic, and Finest Quality”

PRLog (Press Release)Sep. 4, 2013CALABASAS, Calif.Rainbow Acres continues to grow their local reputation as one of the leading retailers for natural foods, organic products, nutritional education, and necessary services. The company focuses on providing a unique customer experience, time and time again, by offering product and services designed to make shopping and errands easier. “One of the main reasons we approached Rainbow Acres was their reputation in the local area,” said Dan Palmer, chief executive officer and founder of ELANVEDA, Inc. “Our company’s ability to penetrate the market is greater when working with such a reputable store and dedicated staff.”
ELANVEDA and Rainbow Acres join together in blending traditional medical treatments, homeopathy, and natural remedies by offering a diverse assortment of essential oil formulas and dietary supplements inspired by Ayurveda. Both companies represent compelling reasons to shop for organic, environmentally friendly, and natural products and services.  Dan Palmer explains, “It is paramount for any natural food retailer to understand the nuances of the market and take advantage of unique product lines like the one offered by ELANVEDA.” “Many companies will fail to grasp the essence of critical trends in the marketplace and lose customers because of it.” Nutrition, medicine, and services equate to a solid foundation for retail success as is the case with Rainbow Acres.
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Name: Dr. Marc Halpern
Group: California College of Ayurveda
Dateline: Nevada City, CA United States
Direct Phone: 530-478-9100
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